Loud minority starts bitching about something, but get voted down, ignored, or otherwise told to pound sand.
Loud minority turns to government and together they agree to curtail rights (to benefit government) so that these fundamental human rights can be protected [from people who disagree with the thesis].
Loud minority is still a minority, but government "selflessly" protects loud minority, furthering their power to curtail rights.
Slowly but surely the normies realize that more government involvement in ANYTHING is bad and ruins it.
Soon the loud minority is even smaller and quieter, but the government now has all these powers.
It is why I have such a disdain for these people. They push their agendas in such a short-sighted way that it makes everything worse and they take no fucking accountability and then cry about the problems they made.
At the risk of sounding like Imp, you could lay 100% of these problems at the feet of the female electorate. They are fickle and stupid and make everything worse.
I love this loser responding to Marco, Dwight Williams (💉x 6) + 😷:
You are complaining that they dared publish the opinions of people who disagreed with you.
I don't have anything against people who think differently (even when they have mental problems or are jabbed 6×). I do have a problem with people coercing people against their constitutional rights, body sovereignty and informed choices.
You clearly have problems with people who dare protecting themselves properly from pandemics. Vaccination rules are a reasonable limit, to best ensure that as many people as possible can more fully exercise their constitutional rights. Such as life, liberty, personal security.
I'll go take a few aspirine to help with your headache.
This guy has 6 shots, takes a mask and is still worried about catching covid
People who contribute to society do not get rights. People who actively destroy society should get rights.
And people wonder why Canada has gone downhill so quickly.
I think we need to arm the Innuits and set them loose in Canadian cities.
The Government will have no idea what to do.
They already did. See Canada is dying documentary. Aboriginals go around killing people and no one does a thing.
They'll be called "Internalized whites" or something like that, and then it will become easy to attack them.
Go for it, our judges will probably issue hunting tags
For both sides. But natives are allowed to hunt freely on their own land... Which covers half the city.
Good luck.
The root issue of this whole mess is this:
Loud minority starts bitching about something, but get voted down, ignored, or otherwise told to pound sand.
Loud minority turns to government and together they agree to curtail rights (to benefit government) so that these fundamental human rights can be protected [from people who disagree with the thesis].
Loud minority is still a minority, but government "selflessly" protects loud minority, furthering their power to curtail rights.
Slowly but surely the normies realize that more government involvement in ANYTHING is bad and ruins it.
Soon the loud minority is even smaller and quieter, but the government now has all these powers.
It is why I have such a disdain for these people. They push their agendas in such a short-sighted way that it makes everything worse and they take no fucking accountability and then cry about the problems they made.
At the risk of sounding like Imp, you could lay 100% of these problems at the feet of the female electorate. They are fickle and stupid and make everything worse.
You're right, I just hate the conclusion I've made.
I keep checking the math, hoping it will change, but I'm pretty sure at this point.
Imp is one of a kind, inimitable. That's just plane jane level. His is... advanced.
humans have rights.
Title credit- Marco Navarro-Génie, author of Canada's COVID: The Story of a Pandemic Moral Panic: https://twitter.com/MNavarroGenie/status/1672000859813875712
I love this loser responding to Marco, Dwight Williams (💉x 6) + 😷:
This guy has 6 shots, takes a mask and is still worried about catching covid
Dudes so proud of taking the shot 6 times he put it in his name.
These people cannot be taken seriously.
Forced re education camps to liberals, demoncrats and the entire left wing.