I love this loser responding to Marco, Dwight Williams (💉x 6) + 😷:
You are complaining that they dared publish the opinions of people who disagreed with you.
I don't have anything against people who think differently (even when they have mental problems or are jabbed 6×). I do have a problem with people coercing people against their constitutional rights, body sovereignty and informed choices.
You clearly have problems with people who dare protecting themselves properly from pandemics. Vaccination rules are a reasonable limit, to best ensure that as many people as possible can more fully exercise their constitutional rights. Such as life, liberty, personal security.
I'll go take a few aspirine to help with your headache.
This guy has 6 shots, takes a mask and is still worried about catching covid
I love this loser responding to Marco, Dwight Williams (💉x 6) + 😷:
This guy has 6 shots, takes a mask and is still worried about catching covid
Dudes so proud of taking the shot 6 times he put it in his name.
These people cannot be taken seriously.