Court Documents Prove Feds Are Fabricating "Domestic Terrorism" Statistics
Combating terrorism has become the top priority of American intelligence services since the 9/11 attacks. At first, surveillance tools and invasive national security investigations focused on Muslims, but since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, the 2017 U...
Really earning that budget there
It's been obvious the whole time that this emphasis was about politics, not public safety. The FBI, DHS and DoJ did jack shit during the Summer of George.
That's a blatant falsehood. They were extremely active during the Summer of George. After all, they were orchestrating the Whitmer kidnapping scheme, bullying social media companies into taking down anything about the WuFlu that disagreed with Fauci's analysis, going after people for leaving tire tracks on the pro-BLM stripes on roads, conducting surveillance on people complaining about the lockdowns at school board meetings, and probably more stuff I'm forgetting.
And that's just the confirmed stuff! I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved in prepping 2020 election shenanigans, actively agitating the BLM rioters, and more stuff.
They create domestic terrorists, too.
And commit it themselves.
Still waiting for them to find whoever planted the Capitol pipe bombs...
Haha, it's such a joke. Yeah you can't find that person. Right. You had nationwide billboards looking for people who farted on Pelosis desk but you can't find and actual terrorist. Sure.
And whoever took an RPG to the Georgia Guidestones.
Committing a crime is bad.
Committing a crime while white is domestic terrorism.
It's a very common leftist tactic. They'll say that any war by a western white country is Christian terrorism