Uber 40% discount not actually being 40% and instead being some weird BS of 40% that’s in the TOS.
Should Terms of Service/EULAs/etc be able to be that way where they can hide a bunch of shit like this in the first place or no? Also should the government have the ability to regulate that corporations not do this in the first place. /r/AssholeDesign is an interesting subreddit to me because of how shitty corporations are, but because the only way to stop corporations is using the power of the government for the most part, what can we do?
Should government have the power to prevent corporations from screwing over consumers?
Why, yes. It's not even a question for me. It's bad to be dogmatic about it and say that gubbermint is always bad or that it's always good. It's good when it's doing good, and it's bad when it's doing bad. Seems common sense.
In theory, you can get the indolent masses to not consoom the product until the company mends its ways. Unfortunately, that simply doesn't happen. It's a "BUILD YOUR OWN INTERNET" kind of thing, held out as a theoretical possibility to prevent action that would actually be effective.
You could argue that it's false advertising since the discount price should contain an asterisk that points people to the T&C.
Either way, I'm tired of begging (let alone expecting) the government to fix shit.
If people can't help themselves from renting an uber, they deserve to get fucked over on a coupon. FFS, just raise awareness about it and go to their competitor or ride a bike, etc; stop expecting government to fix all your problems and saving you from natural selection. All our problems today can be traced back to government preventing natural selection and allowing dumb people to out-breed smart people who don't need government in the first place.
Uber's deals never state details like that. They sometimes don't even have an asterisk indicating that conditions apply.
This sort of shit, along with...
Deceitful "free subscription trial for a month!" ( the desired effect being uninterested people will forget to unsubscribe and be charged the following months untill they figure out they are being charged for it. The companies doing it KNOW that's the vast majority of the "new costumers" they got did not want to go beyond the free month... if they watched anything at all. )
Gift cards with expiration dates ( the new version of the fraud is "fees on unused cards" depleating the money down to zero, government is still sleeping on that version of the same fraud. )
...have been deemed fraudulent advertisement/products in Québec.
When a new form of fraud, or a new paint on a old fraud comes up, yes the hammer of law should smack the cunts doing it.
That is one of their few jobs domestically: to punish crime, which false advertising should be.
It's not like they're lying about what the price of the service is. Companies make up prices all the time and then tell people they're getting discounts
Nothing new under the sun.
I recall Domino UK doing something like 20% off PIZZAs when spending more than £20. You would try to pimp out your pizza but even extra cheese and topping would land with something like £19.89. The cheapest drink or side would go for £4.99 so after you would add that the total bill with the discount would be £19.90 + delivery cost.