CNN says investigation into Biden's top secret files will not have democrats involved. CNN says DeSantis dropping African history class is rewriting history. Wayne State University is trying to turn Detroit into a black history major center. They hope to turn the area into a major black history and cultural studies promotional point. Covid to be treated like flu. This will mean annual shots aimed at the same strain, and everything else the flu shot has become.
I don’t understand these people who say republicans are trying to ban history. This is clearly just to beat white kids over the head. I’ve reached the conclusion that basic history should be taught and anything else can be electives or learn on your own. If you have a hard on for hearing about how evil the U.S. is then there are plenty of resources out there you can consume on your own time
The problem is, if you read outside of the hate white people books, your opinion changes. They are demanding that we only read their books.
True. During the Floyd riots when the “Lift black voices” mantra was everywhere someone asked me for suggestions and I recommended Thomas Sowell. He came back angry and said that Sowell just says what white conservatives want to hear
Tell him to read Medea and then watch zlDiary of a mad black woman.
You're not understanding it from a Leftist's tactical point of view.
History is written by the victors. They think their victory is inevitable. They are therefore writing history as they see fit.
When someone corrects their revision, they see it as re-writing the historical narrative they've already established through conquest.
Good point. It’s still irritates me to see them have so much influence
Don't ever abandon culture. Fight and gatekeep for your hobbies.
Amen to that
Only the literal words and affects from ancient peoples should be considered History. A textbook or essay analyzing and interpreting those writings is just somebody's opinion, warped by modern cultural sensibilities.
Sadly the Africans didn't write anything down so...
True but they are free to learn whatever they want of get whatever books they can find.
[x] doubt
The way it should have been treated from the start. Instead we all tried to copy the chinks.
Yes. Highlight how black people being imported by the thousands by their relatives like anchor babies and chain migration destroyed one of the most successful and important cities in American history. I'll get the popcorn.
Wayne State University is about to go bankrupt. Perhaps you'd like to see how "Martin Luther King Jr. Road/Avenue/Street/Boulevard" is doing everywhere it's located.
Its a truly unifying thing how every single person in America knows that MLK named streets are shitholes, that few even deny.
Its a wonder how such a perfectly consistent thing came to be, because its not just because they are only in black neighborhoods. My hometown's was the business district.
To be honest, for black neighborhoods, it's typically a sign of ideological conquest by racialists. There are Malcolm X streets, and I guarantee you they are fucking just as garbage. Every time a black racialist ethno-state emerges, like all racial ethno-states, it goes to complete shit.
After that, it's a desperate attempt by local governments to pretend that they are improving an already dilapidated situation. They are trying to look more inviting, while never actually solving any problems or improving any communities. If a local government is renaming a place "Beauty & Perfection Boulevard", I guarantee there's crack-heads raping dogs somewhere.
The county Seattle is in is named after MLK.
The county was originally named after William R. King, but then they "renamed" it to MLK.
I knew it had to be something like that, but never heard the other side of the story.