CNN says investigation into Biden's top secret files will not have democrats involved. CNN says DeSantis dropping African history class is rewriting history. Wayne State University is trying to turn Detroit into a black history major center. They hope to turn the area into a major black history and cultural studies promotional point. Covid to be treated like flu. This will mean annual shots aimed at the same strain, and everything else the flu shot has become.
To be honest, for black neighborhoods, it's typically a sign of ideological conquest by racialists. There are Malcolm X streets, and I guarantee you they are fucking just as garbage. Every time a black racialist ethno-state emerges, like all racial ethno-states, it goes to complete shit.
After that, it's a desperate attempt by local governments to pretend that they are improving an already dilapidated situation. They are trying to look more inviting, while never actually solving any problems or improving any communities. If a local government is renaming a place "Beauty & Perfection Boulevard", I guarantee there's crack-heads raping dogs somewhere.