posted ago by consolegamer ago by consolegamer +28 / -4


Game set during the Christmas season, with a protagonist who has a Latin (90 percent Catholic demographic) mom and black dead cop dad (prob just as highly a Christian demographic). Mention of Christmas, while sitting through boring ass cutscenes where some goyim eat a Christmas ham? Zero. This is in a Latino neighborhood btw.

As you explore the city cheers in Yiddish, and Happy Hanukah's are heard literally every fuckin street by civilians. Every other street you get a happy Kwanza, even though I have never seen or heard of a black person celebrating Kwanza, despite living by one of the largest black populations in the U.S. Seems like someone really doesn't want the whites and blacks agreeing on something like Jesus. For fun here is the famous Smoky Robinson wishing a wealthy, privileged Jewish person a paid for Happy Hanukah greeting. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SQPXGJIN8yQ

10 Neil Druckmann's out of fuckin 10

Our protagonist and story

According to the in game flashbacks, the last Spiderman game left us with an inexperienced Spiderboy, who was unsure of himself that needed years of training to equal his experienced mentor.

A teenager that just lost his Dad and moved would have major trauma and we would expect to see him dealing with that, but in this game we are met with a perfect young man, who is near the exit to the subway car, yet backtracks 10 feet to let a woman go out first. Then he messages his mom and walks around the utopia that is Harlem. insert Spiderman you serious meme here

A few minutes later he is saving Spiderman's life. I guess Spiderman is now pointless and black Spiderboy has already surpassed him. Take that you privileged white male superhero!

We also meet the evil cis white male protagonist, an activist mother (cus single mom's dealing with the death of a spouse would totally be doing this sh#^) and we meet some annoying friends and are injected with some Disney Marvel cringe humor,

10 Disney Jewish CEO's out of 10. Just kidding, it's only 3 out of 3 since Disney lost the company.

At this point I uninstalled. I knew there would be no mention of Christmas, I had seen the BLM mural in the game mentioned by game journalism and the rest of the game could be written by an AI. Fun fact, BLM founder Alicia Garza was raised Alicia Schwartz by an adoptive father and considers herself Jewish. She was silent when the chief rabbi of Israel called black people monkeys, yet subverts her host nation and has loyalty to a foreign nation over her own people.

Bonus (((Sony))) review.

Uncharted 4, which was another game hijacked by the Chosen at least kept me invested until Druckmann wrote a laughable third act. I can only imagine Amy Hennig's work was the early story. Anyways...the entire game seemed to be leading up to choices having consequences and inevitable loss. Then...happy fucking ending. Everyone lives, get's rich, black trans lady (that jawline is male) who tries to kill us and who 2v1's someone who has taken on armies of special fuckin force tier soldiers? Now our friend, cus black tranny can't be bad. Why wouldn't a now broke private army owner, who has shown she doesn't give a fuck about her disposable troops return to the cave and have them get the treasure ? Don't know.

Fast forward and we have an annoying little girl who is now our playable character as we walk around. Obviously Druckmann is a BRILLIANT man and that's why he got fast tracked in Hollywood with a resume of ONE, well received game that Bruce Straley held his hand on. Has nothing to do with his demographic (spoiler the Director and co writer is also Jewish).

Imagine paying for this shit or a console and their idiotic online services. This is the epic console exclusives you will now be getting.

@ the PC Gaming industry. Good fuckin luck selling 1300 dollar 2nd tier GPU's for these shit games in the coming years.