So I wonder though, how is there enough time for a bunch of people to request mail ballots, have additional amounts of said ballots printed and available, have these ballots mailed to the voters and returned? All of this can be done, but the logistics can't be worked out to figure out how to continue with in person voting in these areas?
I just don't like the normalization of the solution of "something bad happens, so lets switch to mail in votes."
The big problem is people who were going to these polling places are now somewhere else beyond the county lines. Those would be major Republican voters.
There's a lot of unanswered questions about the whole thing that make me think it's just an interesting ploy, because they have to froth at the mouth against it now that an R is for it.
Lets say the regrettable thing happened, and you lose your home. Where do you mail the ballot to? Do you have time for a change of address form to hit the system and update before the next election so you can get that mailed out to you in time? Are there provisions against voting that would stop you from doing it because you changed your address too soon before an election?
So I wonder though, how is there enough time for a bunch of people to request mail ballots, have additional amounts of said ballots printed and available, have these ballots mailed to the voters and returned? All of this can be done, but the logistics can't be worked out to figure out how to continue with in person voting in these areas?
I just don't like the normalization of the solution of "something bad happens, so lets switch to mail in votes."
Charlotte: 47% R, 24% D
Lee: 43% R, 25% D
Sarasota: 43% R, 29% D
He's fucking trolling them to come out against mail-in ballots because this move is only doing mail-in in Republican counties.
I think he learned from Trump that when the media wants to cancel you they'll take any stance opposite yours even if it's against themselves.
Good eye.
The big problem is people who were going to these polling places are now somewhere else beyond the county lines. Those would be major Republican voters.
Bad move. Set up temporary polling places in those areas where the usual ones were damaged or destroyed.
So he's confident that he did so well that he will win them.
Or he is confident that his people print and count the ballots.
Florida is this way. We mark our ballots, put them through a linear scanner, and it tallies. That is all.
Good point
There's a lot of unanswered questions about the whole thing that make me think it's just an interesting ploy, because they have to froth at the mouth against it now that an R is for it.
Lets say the regrettable thing happened, and you lose your home. Where do you mail the ballot to? Do you have time for a change of address form to hit the system and update before the next election so you can get that mailed out to you in time? Are there provisions against voting that would stop you from doing it because you changed your address too soon before an election?
The USPS in Florida is not fast enough.