Is this the dumbest NYT op-ed in history?
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And yet, nowhere in that essay at all does she actually say what her problem with the coach is, other than "it offends me!"
She probably doesn't even have the capacity to articulate why she is offended. Just indoctrinated by bring immersed in anti Christian, anti-civilization subversive media and education propaganda since birth to have a visceral reaction against it.
Rather than argue I like to ask those people "Why?" to a lot of their accusations and assumptions. It's a good way to see if they've even thought about their position or if it's programmed in. It may even get them questioning what they believe, but that's less likely and not my problem. Though it has worked with people suffering TDS. Usually everything they hated most about Trump was fake MSDNC conspiracy theories and talking points, easily disproved.
Because most of the arguments installed in them are designed to trick people who think they're on the right into supporting Trump.
There are many people who are incapable of abstract thought or ego-free imagination. They do not understand that their being offended at something does make it bad. They are a Good Person or even The Hero and everything they disagree with is wrong, otherwise they wouldn't disagree with it.
It's the same people who lack empathy, yet are the loudest SJWs, and always need to see themselves in a work of fiction to enjoy it. (Representation)
Then you must have hated those sanctimonious assholes taking a knee during the national anthem... right?
Everyone involved with, watching, or tolerating corporate sports. They're just one of many demographics crying out for a massive population cull.
Talk about knocking Jesus from the cross because he was in your way.
Can I take someone who has never read their holy text of choice for 800 Alex?
Feminism in a nutshell. Anything you do is bad and pay attention to me is the only two political aspects most females operate under.
Adult life has taught me that women are basically larger children. My marriage is 50% babysitting.
Now you under the female viewpoint of abortion!
Honestly I think part of Dan harmons unintentional brilliance is the ability to completely eviscerate liberals with no one paying attention. I say this because Dan Harmon projects more soy than the average pedophile.
I tried that show and noped out at the episode promoting cuckery, didn't see what everyone liked about it.
Same reason I liked it’s always sunny in Philadelphia. You have to enter with the mindset that these are all godawful liberals then laugh as they unintentionally mock themselves
It’s alway annoying seeing atheist pretend to be religious. And therefore we should listen to them. For some reason