37 Mugshots of people arrested for rioting in Seattle/Portland - xpost r/seattleWA (old.reddit.com) posted 2 years ago by xleb2 2 years ago by xleb2 +38 / -1 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
You mean arrested and immediatly let go, no?
Pretty sure there are some fetal alcohol syndromes in there.
The natural, and artificially added lack of symmetry in these people, tells us they are genetic failures.
The question is; how long do we have to put up with their shit? True retards are the front line cannon-fodder of the left.
For as long as we continue being cattle.
Talk about may your outside match your insides.
Discount Burt Reynolds in the first pic had me snorting.
The girl with blonde and black hair could be pretty if she took care of herself and didn't die her hair crazy colors. The rest are worthless.
Everytime I go on tinder I see hot girls that look exactly like that, and every single one has some leftie shit in their bio.
Words fail me...
The hair color has something to do with an attempt at individuality and self-assertion, doesn't it?
It shows they're unique, just like all their friends!