So, if they can figure this out now, why couldn't they determine this before the bureau published? Why not just make the representative corrections now?
Not in the slightest. Just pointing out that under Trump, shit like this was routine. He really needed a better team, and that piece of shit son in law of his was not it.
A Government agency lying to the benefit of the regressive left? What is this, Science Fiction?
I want to rebrand this term. It's too passive. Something to the effect of "the hostile left", but more catchy so it'll actually gain traction.
Yeah, it’s kind of like Social Justice Warrior, I’ll use it for convenience bit I wish something more accurate would come along.
Simple solution, repatriate all non-citizens and redo the census.
To no one's surprise.
So, if they can figure this out now, why couldn't they determine this before the bureau published? Why not just make the representative corrections now?
"Oopsie doopsie! Gosh its just to late to fix anything now. Dont worry we will fix the error and be extra vigilant next census."
They wont make the corrections because this was intentional.
"Don't worry, though, you can fix it in 10 years"
Because democrats are in charge and repilcunts like to hang from a cross for their donors.
You were expecting the left to play fair?
Not in the slightest. Just pointing out that under Trump, shit like this was routine. He really needed a better team, and that piece of shit son in law of his was not it.
My votes are fully loaded.
In Minecraft.