78 New Zealand had 13,000 new cases of OmiCold today, more on a per capita basis than almost any other country. Vaccine appears to provide ZERO reduction in chance of hospitalization. (dailyexpose.uk) posted 2 years ago by BidenIsACuckold 2 years ago by BidenIsACuckold +78 / -0 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That's what they meant by ZERO COVID. Zero effectiveness.
This is from a country who shut down both islands, their entire country into lockdown because of a single case.
They flattened the curve- in the wrong axis.
Sounds like Jacinda's regular weekend
We all called this. They ruined countless lives just to delay the inevitable.
and they are still far away from their target of 90% kill rate. this is just the beginning. next: famine, war ... reset
you will need a bunker or a really well hidden offgrid village to survive the SHTF
Bet that Jacinta bloke isn’t happy about all this.
If I have to hear her say vaccines one more time I’m going to lose it.
Strick super lock down for 2 years. Then take 2 years worth of "Waves" in a single week. Super effective strategy NZ.
Singapore has more per capita
Also highly vaccinated, more than nz i think
Anybody following the actual SCIENCE and reported statistics could see that.