I got some Murder mystery/crime drama books from my local used book store recently and I was wondering if that genre has ever been under attack? When it comes to fiction it's my second favorite genre after sci-fi/fantasy and in the last few years that genre has really come under attack from the woke mob. I mean I guess you could say there was always an element of that but now I wouldn't touch most modern day sci-fi or fantasy with a ten foot pole.
I guess since there are female authors in murder mystery you don't hear the usual whiners complain about not being "included". Is that a genre that is safe from the usual suspects?
Well, most of the writers are women, so it's already woke. But because it's women's hobby, it'll never be attacked.
That's true. I remember when I used to get into online debates in sci-fi groups I was called a sexist and I asked the person if I am such a sexist why do I have quite a few murder mystery books by women?
If you like anything they do, it's safe. The woke mob will never be allowed to attack anything their masters enjoy.
This explains why Anita Sarkesian had no problem attacking guys who enjoy games or who voice displeasure about reboots or lousy adaptations, but when they did a race swapped remake of Buffy she got upset and complained about it.
It was under attack, earlier in the 90's. But it was rather short lived, as the suspects disappeared and it's still a complete and utter mystery who dunnit.
If it’s under a publisher it’s a given. Publishing companies like penguin are also conglomerates with the school textbooks. This is why they make sweetheart deals with politicians who then magically grant their sister company a billion dollar government contract. Self published games and books are frankly the least woke you will be able to find.
Good point. I have a short story that I published through Amazon Kindle, and have some more I'm working on.
Independent is the way to go. I'd love to be a professional writer, but I doubt a major publishing company would want me. I remember a white guy who went independent because his publishing company insisted his story have more lgbt representation and he said he got tired of the constant nagging about inclusion
I don't think it's safe because the genre doesn't exist unless the protagonist "notices things" in order to narrow down the pool of suspects, and in a world where "noticing things" is frowned upon that genre becomes in jeopardy.
That’s true. I remember J.K Rowling got attacked for writing a murder mystery where a trans person was the murderer or something like that.
I think the reason nobody complains about it is that the genre basically died after Garrett P.I. took it, added in high fantasy and still managed to be better than average; and everything made since then has been Oh Mr Darcy grade garbage.
I’m sure examples exist, I’ve heard James Patterson is pretty woke. Honestly I think mainstream publishing in general is gonna be pozzed.
He has written some good books though, and they are super easy to read. But your point is correct.