I got some Murder mystery/crime drama books from my local used book store recently and I was wondering if that genre has ever been under attack? When it comes to fiction it's my second favorite genre after sci-fi/fantasy and in the last few years that genre has really come under attack from the woke mob. I mean I guess you could say there was always an element of that but now I wouldn't touch most modern day sci-fi or fantasy with a ten foot pole.
I guess since there are female authors in murder mystery you don't hear the usual whiners complain about not being "included". Is that a genre that is safe from the usual suspects?
If you like anything they do, it's safe. The woke mob will never be allowed to attack anything their masters enjoy.
This explains why Anita Sarkesian had no problem attacking guys who enjoy games or who voice displeasure about reboots or lousy adaptations, but when they did a race swapped remake of Buffy she got upset and complained about it.