I got some Murder mystery/crime drama books from my local used book store recently and I was wondering if that genre has ever been under attack? When it comes to fiction it's my second favorite genre after sci-fi/fantasy and in the last few years that genre has really come under attack from the woke mob. I mean I guess you could say there was always an element of that but now I wouldn't touch most modern day sci-fi or fantasy with a ten foot pole.
I guess since there are female authors in murder mystery you don't hear the usual whiners complain about not being "included". Is that a genre that is safe from the usual suspects?
If it’s under a publisher it’s a given. Publishing companies like penguin are also conglomerates with the school textbooks. This is why they make sweetheart deals with politicians who then magically grant their sister company a billion dollar government contract. Self published games and books are frankly the least woke you will be able to find.
Good point. I have a short story that I published through Amazon Kindle, and have some more I'm working on.
Independent is the way to go. I'd love to be a professional writer, but I doubt a major publishing company would want me. I remember a white guy who went independent because his publishing company insisted his story have more lgbt representation and he said he got tired of the constant nagging about inclusion