I remember reading my parents' homeschooling magazines. It seemed like every issue had another case where the ACLU was trying to prevent or otherwise obstruct parents from homeschooling on ways that didn't align with the state.
Ain't it funny how the people who bitch about the rebel flag being a waycist symbol are members of the actually racist political party that used it that way...
Fuck the jackass party. Sure picked the right animal mascot. Warmongering cunts. AOC and Kamala Houdini came out of nowhere with injustice claims.
Even that Nascar "they put a 'Noose' in my garage" guy is running his fucking mouth on Twatter.
The people who enslaved and separated the blacks from regular society are being defended by them.
Saw a post from some dumb bitch on a rapper's Instagram post about Kyle.
"if Rittenhouse was a black man arrested for drug charges he would have been sentenced to life in prison"
Lady, you can literally be justified in blaming Biden himself for that because HE is the one who authored the crime bill putting this hypothetical drug dealer in prison, and fought to keep schools segregated. But no, we're the bad guys and Kyle's the hwite supremacist here?
(yes, hypothetical black man wouldn't get life for MJ on a first offense, but for a career criminal drug dealer, again blame Joe for his incarceration)
Kyle's about to be fucking RICH.
GoFundMe and a bunch of others are in full damage control mode.
Watch Facebook go down again so Zuck can Hillary Clinton some more files.
They established the precedent that the Federal government can overrule local governments on pretty much anything under the guise of "Civil Rights". We are now reaping the fruits of that harvest. Do you find the fruit palatable?f I don't...
I thought of that quote just yesterday when stumbling on a hilarious Salon article claiming that Trump's allegations of the FBI spying on him and conservative groups was conspiracy theory propaganda designed to make his supporters angry... but that the FBI really did spy on leftist organizations in the past, and used COINTELPRO tactics to infiltrate and dismantle the American left.
It's plain as day that the FBI has been infiltrated by those leftists (thanks Obama) and gleefully goes after conservatives using the same tactics now. You'd think anti-establishment types would unite with those disaffected on the right against their common oppressors.
But of course they were only "anti-establishment" when it was convenient.
Though my favorite one was there they basically came out in favor of college-run kangaroo courts for college men accused of anything sexual, but saying that they'd keep an eye on it if it looked like blacks might be disproportionately affected. They pretty much explicitly said, "Yeah, this is happening to men, so we don't care. Maybe if it happens to blacks more we might, though."
I'm old enough to remember when the ACLU was focused on Free Speech.
Now it's whatever the MSM is shreeking about this week.
Fuck them. Always motivated by hatred of White American Christians
I remember reading my parents' homeschooling magazines. It seemed like every issue had another case where the ACLU was trying to prevent or otherwise obstruct parents from homeschooling on ways that didn't align with the state.
but but that one time they defended the kkk!
If they can probe that the KKK deserves to hold a March, then how can anyone deny the commies?
Might have something to do with the fact that communists always wanted to inflame racial tensions in the US.
The KKK is a branch of the Democratic Party, so it’s consistent with their aims.
Ain't it funny how the people who bitch about the rebel flag being a waycist symbol are members of the actually racist political party that used it that way...
Fuck the jackass party. Sure picked the right animal mascot. Warmongering cunts. AOC and Kamala Houdini came out of nowhere with injustice claims.
Even that Nascar "they put a 'Noose' in my garage" guy is running his fucking mouth on Twatter.
The people who enslaved and separated the blacks from regular society are being defended by them.
Saw a post from some dumb bitch on a rapper's Instagram post about Kyle.
"if Rittenhouse was a black man arrested for drug charges he would have been sentenced to life in prison"
Lady, you can literally be justified in blaming Biden himself for that because HE is the one who authored the crime bill putting this hypothetical drug dealer in prison, and fought to keep schools segregated. But no, we're the bad guys and Kyle's the hwite supremacist here?
(yes, hypothetical black man wouldn't get life for MJ on a first offense, but for a career criminal drug dealer, again blame Joe for his incarceration)
Kyle's about to be fucking RICH.
GoFundMe and a bunch of others are in full damage control mode.
Watch Facebook go down again so Zuck can Hillary Clinton some more files.
They established the precedent that the Federal government can overrule local governments on pretty much anything under the guise of "Civil Rights". We are now reaping the fruits of that harvest. Do you find the fruit palatable?f I don't...
So they defended Democrats? Figures.
I thought of that quote just yesterday when stumbling on a hilarious Salon article claiming that Trump's allegations of the FBI spying on him and conservative groups was conspiracy theory propaganda designed to make his supporters angry... but that the FBI really did spy on leftist organizations in the past, and used COINTELPRO tactics to infiltrate and dismantle the American left.
It's plain as day that the FBI has been infiltrated by those leftists (thanks Obama) and gleefully goes after conservatives using the same tactics now. You'd think anti-establishment types would unite with those disaffected on the right against their common oppressors.
But of course they were only "anti-establishment" when it was convenient.
Yeah, now it actively works against free speech and the first amendment.
Though my favorite one was there they basically came out in favor of college-run kangaroo courts for college men accused of anything sexual, but saying that they'd keep an eye on it if it looked like blacks might be disproportionately affected. They pretty much explicitly said, "Yeah, this is happening to men, so we don't care. Maybe if it happens to blacks more we might, though."
Yep, I stopped donating money to them a long time ago because of that.
They never defended true free speech. They only defended degeneracy.