MarcusAurelius 30 points ago +30 / -0

I'm old enough to remember when the ACLU was focused on Free Speech.

Now it's whatever the MSM is shreeking about this week.

MarcusAurelius 2 points ago +2 / -0

That, and do you think that someone who has a "Hungry, homeless" sign, but is of sound body, and will refuse anything but cold hard cash of sufficient domination will get more money from conservatives or liberals?

MarcusAurelius 11 points ago +11 / -0

To be fair, there are also a ton of grifters taking advantage of people on the left.

Look at BLM. How many Black owned businesses did they help get off the ground? How many million dollar houses did the "Marxist" founders buy with those donations?

MarcusAurelius 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like how they fully admit that they are willing to look through "private material" for things they consider objectionable.

If you use any of the Google suite for your business or sensitive data, you should probably be looking to de-google.

MarcusAurelius 10 points ago +10 / -0

Because it's speaking to the classical liberals and libertarians. Thinking that these members are most of the "left".


We can see that most of the people driving the modern left are a combination of corporatist blue dogs and "that wasn't real communism" Marx fans.

MarcusAurelius 8 points ago +8 / -0

So, it's a rebranded $130 phone, with a fork of Android with a little bit of secret sauce built into it. And they sell it for $500.

The brainchild of this phone happened to spend his $1000 gift from grandma, and struck it rich by buying some bitcoin. Other then that, he doesn't have any other background in security.

Yeah, thanks but no thanks.

If privacy and security is interesting for you, go for CalyxOS or LineageOS. Eventually, someone might make a fully opensource phone, which includes both the OS, but hardware+firmware.

Now that phone might be secure.

Maybe if he wanted to put up his million bitcoin dollars against DefCon for hack this phone, I'd believe that it's actually a secure phone. But, I doubt it.

MarcusAurelius 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's part of intersectionality. Basically it breaks the world into the oppressors and the oppressed. It also combines all of the oppressors into the same thing.

So, sexism, homophobia, racism, capitalism, the patriarchy are all basically the same.

What's even better is that you can take any aspect that some "oppressed group" doesn't like, toss it through the mental gymnastics that is intersectionality, and suddenly having to be at work on time is racist, sexist, and patriarchal.

And because people are dumb, suddenly someone who follows the white racist concept of schedules is a white supremacist. If you have a planner, you might as well start burning crosses on peoples lawns, you bigot.

If it sounds retarded, congratulations. You are still sane.