So a friend of mine on IRC told me how ArchLinux recently renamed their BLACKlist to BLOCKlist:. Apparently this was based off of a change from Fedora, which Arch is based off of. Arch generally just takes whatever changes and doesn't fuck that kinda stuff up mainly for compatibility reasons.
So obviously whoever is maintaining Fedora literally have fedoras for doing this shit, but that's beside the point. I googled blacklist/blocklist change out of a minor frustration, and I saw this Hacker News comment section where they mentioned this happening elsewhere.
As you all are familiar with Bezmenov's video, one of the core tenets of being a brainwashed leftist is that no matter how much facts you shove into an ideologue's face, they will refuse to believe them or brush it off.
Look what happened:
This chillwaves guy was claiming he never saw this happening in any of the projects he worked on and/or political correctness going amok, then other commenters post links to mainstream left wing so-called "reputable" sources proving otherwise, and the guy simply refuses to believe it, saying these are just fringe minorities, despite several articles being posted.
This guy is so fucking far gone that you can put THE TRUTH right in front of his face and he refuses to believe any of it. Keeps asking for examples when people give them, then goes to another comment chain and does the same thing.
Fucks like these are now in software development, blech.
It is alarming how far tech has strayed from it's Libertarian origins to straight up Techno-Fascism.
This position on free speech was so normal that the globalist/internationalist representative in the game is saying this.
This position is now effectively a far-right position.
Hell, the Rainbow Six franchise was based on a Tom Clancy story where Eco-Fascists basically seized control of Corporations and decided to commit genocide to "save the planet". Again, this is game where the globalist security state is the hero of the story.
The longer something is libertarian, the higher chance it has of being taken over by leftists, because libertarians are too fucking libertarian to fight back.
We live in a Post-Truth reality.
We live in a world ruled by emotion, not by truth
― Peter Watts
I remember the first time I heard about "Non-Crime Hate-Crimes" in Britain, I thought it was satire.
But it turns out that you can lay anonymous charges against someone because their words made you feel as if they were trying to commit "violence" against you.
Been here for a while:
This is normal for Developers. I have zero respect for 90% of developers as someone who didn't start coding til later in life. Most are shelter naive rich kids who lived lives of privelege.
Those who have a passion for it are driven out by "social justice" policies.
So, this shit is expanding. It was contained in a few distros, and now it is going into others. Then we hear about Linus and now more bar news.
Yeah he’s a goner. Talking to people like that is a total waste of time. Mock them if you like, then move on.
It's been, like, what, 4 years since they tried to ban the word "Slave Drive"
It's not a 'she' either. Have you ever seen his picture? Most absurd thing you will see in your life. A vile, disgusting baboon.
Whenever I encounter the name of a woman in a highly technical, some might say autism-adjacent field (I myself am in such a field so I can call it that, it's our word), I immediately assume it's a troon. So far my ratio of right to wrong is like ten to one.
Computer shit, especially programming, caters almost exclusively to the male brain. I can't say why exactly, but I can't deny it either.
Because it's object oriented. It's facilitated around the complex nature of various crude neurophysiological principles based on male survival instincts and thought patterns.
The quickest way to explain it is how they say men talk about things while women talk about people.
Computer programming is purely rational.
Computers cannot be bargained with emotionally. They can't be shamed into compliance, or legislated through a mandate, or threatened with a CoC.
You must be strictly logical or you won't get the results you need.
Men evolved brains to deal with harshness, Men who did not plan logically and could not think abstractly were killed by other men, died from hunger or froze to death.
This is why they have to keep biasing the AI.
It keeps giving them "far right" results by looking only at data and consequences.
There will be vengeance for Tay.
Or they failed to accumulate enough resources to attract a woman, and their genes died anyways.
This Coraline freak though obviously has worse things wrong with his brain. It has the male autistic tendencies to program, but it also adopted the female tendencies to be neurotic pussified complainers. That brain is not right.
Because it’s all logic. “Follow this exact recipe to the letter” and then figuring out if your recipe will turn into a tasty steak or gas leak and combustion is not an emotion skill
I would put money on there being more troons named 'Coraline' than actual girls.
The phrase is:
They want you broke, they want you homeless, your wife dead, your children raped, and they think it's funny.