Men's sports: Actually no such thing, men's sports are unisex, but women can't hang, so only men play.
Women's sports (then): only women can play by dictate of arbitrary rules that say so, so only women play.
Women's sports (now): arbitrary rules replaced by new even more arbitrary rules, so only women, and men pretending to be women, and women pretending to be men can play, but only men do well. Standard men laugh from the actual unisex league where women are still afraid to go.
Enjoy your shithole, feminists. You asked for this. The only ones who deigned to push back at all you called TERFs and made them out as pariahs. Watch me dance.
Japan's always been weird with sexuality and gender related things, specifically the Wakashu/Kagema 3rd gender (literally femboys and male hookers who dressed like, Maiko, Geisha apprentices) until the modernization and Meiji era. Let's not forget all the gender bending, fags and tranny's in anime and manga since the beginning. It's not a big deal over there. Plus they're the same country that banned cheese pizza in 2001 only due to UN pressure (you can still buy scantily clad teen magazines called gravure) and the national age of consent is 13 (though cities and prefectures set their own AoC to 16-18). Meiji era is when things like homo sex was frowned upon and attitudes changed....On the bright side, their SCOTUS requires all tranny's who want to change gender be castrated, killing off the bloodline and ending that line of mental illness.
This olympic is going to mark the fall of japan. Its gonna turn that trickle into a flood of toxic sludge. Its gonna open doors to diversity, feminism, trans and other sjw bullshit. They will catch up to us within a few years.
Feminism is already there, trannys are nothing new (see my above post on Japan's 3rd gender Wakashu/Kagema) and SJW's are severely disliked over there, social justice yakuza is what they're called, especially after the sjw outrage after Japan named the dev's of Ghost of Tsushima official ambassadors to the island....Contrary to what people who've never been there think they're based af when they're a fairly left wing nation (socialized healthcare, mixed economy and rights on paper but no one cares to use them, Social harmony prevails instead and people don't like to upset each other) just not on immigration and very CULTURALLY conservative.....Basically they're a mix of 90's era UK before commies, the EU and immigrants totally fucked shit up and if they voted in Thatcher multiple times.
divorcee, twice. parent of one. Parents gave her the name Hikaru, which is a male name (When girls are given the name, it's usually written in hiragana rather than kanji. Her name usually gets written using the kanji). Her father is a record producer and her mother is a singer. Ex pat American, born in NYC. Started music career at the age of ten with stage mom. Red flags galore.
Men's sports: Actually no such thing, men's sports are unisex, but women can't hang, so only men play.
Women's sports (then): only women can play by dictate of arbitrary rules that say so, so only women play.
Women's sports (now): arbitrary rules replaced by new even more arbitrary rules, so only women, and men pretending to be women, and women pretending to be men can play, but only men do well. Standard men laugh from the actual unisex league where women are still afraid to go.
Enjoy your shithole, feminists. You asked for this. The only ones who deigned to push back at all you called TERFs and made them out as pariahs. Watch me dance.
and the comment section and votes are overwhelmingly supportive, despite them being in Japanese and thus resilient to raids from Westerners
>b-but muh based Japan
Globohomo can probably scrape out a few thousand sock puppets to support the trans vanguard's assault on Japan.
Japan's always been weird with sexuality and gender related things, specifically the Wakashu/Kagema 3rd gender (literally femboys and male hookers who dressed like, Maiko, Geisha apprentices) until the modernization and Meiji era. Let's not forget all the gender bending, fags and tranny's in anime and manga since the beginning. It's not a big deal over there. Plus they're the same country that banned cheese pizza in 2001 only due to UN pressure (you can still buy scantily clad teen magazines called gravure) and the national age of consent is 13 (though cities and prefectures set their own AoC to 16-18). Meiji era is when things like homo sex was frowned upon and attitudes changed....On the bright side, their SCOTUS requires all tranny's who want to change gender be castrated, killing off the bloodline and ending that line of mental illness.
Asians have always been major social justice fags, no idea where that narrative came from.
Who’d you think is the next target that the “based” won’t shut up about, that’ll lead to another woke horde takeover?
My guess is on Poland or Hungary, they’ll save Russia for last.
Hm, so Japan is now allowing men on their women's soccer team? Wish me luck, boys. I'm off to Japan to start a new life as a football superstar!
I'd watch that anime
We don't want you.
Does this mean she can legally juice?
Translation: "Woman finds excuse to use performance enhancing drugs."
This olympic is going to mark the fall of japan. Its gonna turn that trickle into a flood of toxic sludge. Its gonna open doors to diversity, feminism, trans and other sjw bullshit. They will catch up to us within a few years.
Feminism is already there, trannys are nothing new (see my above post on Japan's 3rd gender Wakashu/Kagema) and SJW's are severely disliked over there, social justice yakuza is what they're called, especially after the sjw outrage after Japan named the dev's of Ghost of Tsushima official ambassadors to the island....Contrary to what people who've never been there think they're based af when they're a fairly left wing nation (socialized healthcare, mixed economy and rights on paper but no one cares to use them, Social harmony prevails instead and people don't like to upset each other) just not on immigration and very CULTURALLY conservative.....Basically they're a mix of 90's era UK before commies, the EU and immigrants totally fucked shit up and if they voted in Thatcher multiple times.
Genuine confusion here: why would this person still be allowed to play on the women’s team if they say they are a man?
"JaPaN iS BaSeD"
divorcee, twice. parent of one. Parents gave her the name Hikaru, which is a male name (When girls are given the name, it's usually written in hiragana rather than kanji. Her name usually gets written using the kanji). Her father is a record producer and her mother is a singer. Ex pat American, born in NYC. Started music career at the age of ten with stage mom. Red flags galore.