TERFSareShit 12 points ago +12 / -0


“I supported all this woke shit that made other people uncomfortable all the way up until it started making me uncomfortable”

These are the same as the Joe Rogan types that shit all over Dems, move to Red areas and turn them into Dem shitholes.

TERFSareShit -9 points ago +3 / -12

He is, but he’s absolutely right. You fucking morons turn on people that disagree with you on one issue but immediately start sucking fucking ANITA’s ass because she’s a hypocrite now? Lol

TERFSareShit 6 points ago +6 / -0

The simps will always come save the day for the women that happily brainwash little boys into hating themselves.

Just remember that feminists only started to care about trannies, not because of children being abused, but because little Sally loses kick ball to trannies lol

TERFSareShit 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the stuff people said about how the left are the actual bootlickers that do exactly what the oppressive government wants them to do became a big meme so they had to make it seem like they were being cracked down on.

TERFSareShit 9 points ago +11 / -2

TERFs are probably the most intellectually dishonest. Literally supported all the faggy woke shit, up until it came to their front door.