US Debt To Income Ratio
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That debt-per-citizen vs debt-per-taxpayer ratio. Oof.
That was the first thing I noticed as well. Approx 1 in 3 people paying taxes - that's fucking crazy.
Are they counting children as citizens? Not that there is 3 to 1 children in this country but it would offset things just a bit.
You are correct - if you adjust by working age population, it drops down to approx 1 in 2 working age people paying tax (58%).
Still a very low % of the work age population paying tax though. To give you a comparison - Australia has about 87% of the working age population paying taxes.
I vote we stop enabling leeches. It'd solve that problem real quick.
The three biggest spending cetegories for the US govt so far in FY21 are Income security, social security & medicare. Combined, they account for nearly half the govt spending.
Want to reduce expenditure - start there.
So, buy more Dogecoin?
I just found out you can buy Bitcoin at Coinstar machines. I might as well start making small purchases each month and hold on to them for a while. I'm betting the current inflation bump is going to hurt most major world currencies with crypto holding better on value.
I saw one at Safeway last week. startling. They put it next to the lotto machine.
They put the Coinstar at my local Safeway on the opposite side of the store. It was not functioning last night when I went to look at it.
I remember when they at least pretended to.
How much money was printed "digitally" (as though that's an important distinction) last year?
It's all fake, and everyone knows it. But no one knows when it's all going to come crashing down, so we all continue to go along with the charade.
So we're basically taxing the entire world by running the money printer full steam? Seems like the type of thing that would make the entire world mad.