posted ago by MrGiggles ago by MrGiggles +66 / -0

At this point, I have no faith that leftists will wise up to see how they are being manipulated into canceling people who the elites/media call "white supremacists" or "Alt-right" even though it is pretty clear that they are falsely labelling WallStreetBets groups as "White Supremacists" or guilty of "Hate Speech" with no evidence whatsoever. Most of these leftists probably don't care that they are being used because they think it gives them power.

Regardless, I'm really tired of the people or groups that aren't leftists constantly trying to defend themselves by saying how "awful and hateful those Alt-Righters are!" They aren't convincing any leftists or corporations by condemning those groups, they are just reaffirming the arguments of the leftists. They are too indoctrinated to see how pathetic their defenses are when they acknowledge the leftist narrative.

It's like Ben Shapiro when he constantly says how he is the "# 1 victim of Anti-Semitism." The people he is trying to placate don't care that he is the "victim," they just want him to grovel on his knees and continually disavow, leading to his followers to repeat the same condemnations because they don't want to be seen as "racist" or "bigoted" by Ben himself. Maybe someday these people will grow a spine and just ignore the claims of people being White Supremacists or say "Why should I be responsible for who does or doesn't support me?"