Post is on TD, could be an absolute nothing story, so far, we just got a sex tape and proof he likes feet. Very underwhelming.
Use a strong VPN if you're going to access those links, because I have no idea what could be coming.
Edit 1 :
This video shows only the tip of the iceberg of what is important in the Chinese Communist Party’s Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) program. They take advantage of all those Western politicians, celebrities, and their families who are greedy for Chinese wealth, and threaten them by getting hold of and recording their sex and drug videos, forcing them to sell out their countries and people, and even their own national security in order to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party’s world domination.
This sounds LARPy as fuck, if not just straight up disinformation from our CCP "friends".
I'm going to say the already known corruption is probably more interesting than anything that happens tonight.
Edit 2 :
Darkness from the CCP kleptocrats is coming, no one is safe.
Well, I'm no longer in doubt that this is bullshit. If that's true, why release this garbage that gives absolutely nothing instead of something that tells us what "darkness" is coming and helps us prepare?
Edit 3 : 4th drop was posted on Twitter. Hunter fooling around with an Asian woman, definitely one that's of age. This shit is not worth dick. Back to the corruption, that's the real story.
Edit 4 : The woman has been identified as CCP intelligence by 4chan. It's probably bullshit, but that makes this a little more exciting.
Edit 5 : CCP and Hunter were forming a shell company to bid on US Gov. contracts - this is probably what all this is trying to distract from.
Just a VPN isn't going to be enough. I'd recommend a virtual machine with a VPN.
EDIT: Wait, you are not referring to rumors about the age of the participants, right? Because if there is anything about that, you should not be getting anywhere close to that, and it should not be linked here.
Well, do as much as you can. Personally I'm not touching it. I'll leave it to TD.
It's alleged that the CCP has thousands of people controlled like this. This could completely change the world - if it's real. We could find out that every prominent figure in the world is a sick pedo, maybe even find out Q cultists were right.
Probably not though. The world will probably still be the same after this.
Edit : I have not linked it and I'm not aware of anything underage. But still, I wouldn't advise going for it. Let TD ride the train to hell and they'll tell us by tomorrow. They hate me for having this stance, but I'm not going to take risks.
Well, I wasn't recommending it.
Statistically unlikely. But I'm sure every prominent figure in the world is a crook, criminal and sex pervert of some kind. The powers that be are truly awful and evil in so many ways.
Good man you, as always.
Even if you're not at risk of consequences from clicking it, you're still going to see a bad sex tape. I don't recommend accessing it at all, but I wanted there to be a post just to say that it has happened.
Well, we'll find out. I wonder if the people who run partially CCP owned companies are the worst of the worst.
RIP Epic?
Is there any other type?
Let's make my controversial statement for today. I am pretty sure that the CCP has higher standards for its officers than the degenerate Western countries do. Both in terms of corruption and sexual perversion.
What security do you think a VM is going to provide you?
If there is a virus or trojan that the website will try to install, it will only infect the VM.