Jesus fucking Christ, the first paragraph is all about Trump. These people have a deeply unhealthy obsession.
Also, women don't get to talk about masculinity anymore. Men get slated when they talk about women, so in the spirit of true equality, we will no longer pay any attention to the bullshit you spout.
No, an aversion to masks comes from a Western convention against covering the face. One covers the face out of shame, or a desire to commit criminal acts (outside of special occasions where "fancy dress" masks are appropriate, of course.) Look at Western popular culture. Who covers the lower parts of their faces? Bandits, bank and train robbers, highwaymen, rapists. (Notice how the Lone Ranger and superheroes tend to mask the UPPER parts of their face. Spiderman? He covers his whole face, and gets more or less treated like someone wearing a ski mask into a bank ...)
It's called cultural conditioning, dickass. We're not fucking germ-sponge chinks who need to wear masks for the same reason feedlot cows need antibiotics.
I'll take things that never happened for $1000 please. For God sake, I went to school in the rebel flag waving deep south with plenty of rednecks around, and this kind of shit just didn't happen. This was back before the total wokeness takeover even. You think that in a place like that every black chick would be in a locker right? I never heard of any such thing. If it had been a thing it would have been targeted at the stereotypical white boy nerds, which I suppose I would have been a part of at least somewhat.
The whole mask thing is just based on presumptions and silencing of dissent anyway. I was perusing a virus thread on the Sweden Reddit yesterday and there were some comments about how they were glad their leaders were following actual science and there's no evidence that the mask wearing has made any positive impact. If you were an American journalist and tried to write any such theory no matter how well researched it would be relegated to the most fringe publications where it was out of sight. The general American populace is broken to the point they believe what they are told and question nothing.
"This is slightly uncomfortable all the duration of wearing and a constant bother throughout all my day going in and out of places.
For results barely statistically significant for the type of cheap masks avaliable at a reasonable cost.
To protect people that should be isolating anyway because of said above low effectiveness.
Maby review how this pandemicis managed, such as how Sweden does it. :
Politicians and presstitutes having no say in the independant board evaluating risks for each demographic and setting policy accordingly in balance with the need to not crash the whole economy and social fabric.
Also why are you still reeing about putting face masks on kids at school? Nobody wears masks in Sweden and ZERO kid died of the WuFlu."
Jesus fucking Christ, the first paragraph is all about Trump. These people have a deeply unhealthy obsession.
Also, women don't get to talk about masculinity anymore. Men get slated when they talk about women, so in the spirit of true equality, we will no longer pay any attention to the bullshit you spout.
No, an aversion to masks comes from a Western convention against covering the face. One covers the face out of shame, or a desire to commit criminal acts (outside of special occasions where "fancy dress" masks are appropriate, of course.) Look at Western popular culture. Who covers the lower parts of their faces? Bandits, bank and train robbers, highwaymen, rapists. (Notice how the Lone Ranger and superheroes tend to mask the UPPER parts of their face. Spiderman? He covers his whole face, and gets more or less treated like someone wearing a ski mask into a bank ...)
It's called cultural conditioning, dickass. We're not fucking germ-sponge chinks who need to wear masks for the same reason feedlot cows need antibiotics.
It's called not being a goddamn coward.
Why are wymyn allowed to talk about masculinity when we can't talk about abortion?
I'll take things that never happened for $1000 please. For God sake, I went to school in the rebel flag waving deep south with plenty of rednecks around, and this kind of shit just didn't happen. This was back before the total wokeness takeover even. You think that in a place like that every black chick would be in a locker right? I never heard of any such thing. If it had been a thing it would have been targeted at the stereotypical white boy nerds, which I suppose I would have been a part of at least somewhat.
The whole mask thing is just based on presumptions and silencing of dissent anyway. I was perusing a virus thread on the Sweden Reddit yesterday and there were some comments about how they were glad their leaders were following actual science and there's no evidence that the mask wearing has made any positive impact. If you were an American journalist and tried to write any such theory no matter how well researched it would be relegated to the most fringe publications where it was out of sight. The general American populace is broken to the point they believe what they are told and question nothing.
"This is slightly uncomfortable all the duration of wearing and a constant bother throughout all my day going in and out of places.
For results barely statistically significant for the type of cheap masks avaliable at a reasonable cost.
To protect people that should be isolating anyway because of said above low effectiveness.
Maby review how this pandemicis managed, such as how Sweden does it. :
Politicians and presstitutes having no say in the independant board evaluating risks for each demographic and setting policy accordingly in balance with the need to not crash the whole economy and social fabric.
Also why are you still reeing about putting face masks on kids at school? Nobody wears masks in Sweden and ZERO kid died of the WuFlu."
Pussy = vulgar slang for female genitals. Fragile femininity.
Pajeet who belongs in the curry kitchen says what?
How about you fuck off back to where you came from and get raped to death by your countrymen, as is tradition?