yoisi 47 points ago +47 / -0

Remember according to leftists, this is somehow all homegrown and there's absolutely no foreign fuckary going on here at all.

The famously traditionally xenophobic native Japanese TOTALLY wanted this. There's no foreign subversion going on here. Nope . Nah dah.

yoisi 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is a TV station known for making Japanese angry enough to stage protests

Just to clarify, is that what the last line actually translates to?

yoisi 36 points ago +37 / -1

oi, do you have a loicence for that toy, mate?

It wouldn't have been a problem if he wasn't White.

yoisi 11 points ago +12 / -1

He may be real in so far as he was a servant of the jesuits. But that seems to be the ONLY collaborating thing from Japanese historical sources . . . Look more into Luis Frois the jesuit that came up with the story of Yasuke. , and the differences between his accounts of the time versus Ota Gyuichi, the biographer of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Frois' account was filled with lies.

Obligatory copypasta:

"The sole argument for the existence of Yasuke is the Jesuit chronicles of their missions to Japan. Which were filled with nonsense and aren't taken seriously by most Catholics. Several of them were bloating their accounts in hopes of a bishopric.

Nobunaga never mentioned him in his own writings. Which given that Nobunaga would write poems about pretty much anything he laid eyes on, suggests that the two never met. The sole corroborating account stated that one of the missionary priests had a black servant, and they presented him as a curiosity to Nobunaga's court, but there is evidence of nothing else.

Here's another strain on historical credulity. Supposedly Yasuke fought for Nobunaga as a samurai. One of the claims is that he spoke fluent Japanese.

The time period between when they supposedly met and when Nobunaga was assassinated by Akechi Mitsuhide was... three months.

A black guy from what would now be Morocco, probably a slave to the priests, and someone whose language skills would have included mostly broken Portuguese, supposedly learned the second most difficult language on earth in three months. For reference, Japanese has three goddamn formal alphabets.

There is nothing about the story that is historically credible. There is more evidence of Santa Claus than there is of Yasuke. Now if you want a Japanese historical figure that is actually interesting and actually real, I suggest Honda Tadakatsu. He's a real life Hercules."

yoisi 24 points ago +25 / -1

Oops i meant the direct quote from him is "The anime industry already feels like a miniature Israel"

Close enough.

Anyways imagine how subverted by the globalists the Japanese gaming industry is if anime directors are already talking this bad about anime and manga and anime and manga is far less subverted in comparison to the Japanese gaming industry right now .

yoisi 19 points ago +20 / -1

Right wingers don't talk about international finance enough and how globalists are destroying countries via financial takeover. . .

yoisi 9 points ago +9 / -0

i've literally been here for years and so has Siegfried. And the only thing that Dom is basing his accusations on is that Siegfried defended me and he used "i pronouns" which Dom used as "evidence" that he was me, when he was clearly referring to his own previous comment (that Dom had in fact seen and had been deleted by Dom) and not mine.

yoisi 16 points ago +16 / -0

Its the other way round. Dom is the one that needs to provide hard evidence that Siegfried is my alt . Dom can't just go around accusing people on a whim however he likes.

. And the only "evidence" Dom has is that Siegfried used first pronouns when he said "I said throwing them in LABOR camps would be a merciful solution " as proof that he is my alt , when what Siegfried was clearly referring to was his previous deleted comment about the labour camps and not mine . A comment that Dom himself had seen and deleted so i don't know how Dom made this mistake .


yoisi 14 points ago +14 / -0

Im showing that Dom saw the post and is still refusing to budge even when being corrected on it. And there is an IP ban, Dom said that he IP bans the pedo pajeet (though the pedo pajeet uses a VPN to get around that)

yoisi 9 points ago +9 / -0

So are you going to take it back or are you going to just carry on insisting on your baseless accusations ? Is this how a mod should behave? just accusing people of being alts based on a whim, even when being corrected about it?

yoisi 5 points ago +5 / -0

"trap" is a good term for them in opinion. It describes something that people think might be ok but is actually bad . thus its a "trap"

yoisi 8 points ago +9 / -1

i hate the word "femboys".The original word was "trap". The word "femboy" only came about because trannies were crying about how "trap" was transphobic. We need to take back our language. Call them "traps".

yoisi 7 points ago +8 / -1

They may very well go the European route(Europeans talk shit about Russia but dont dare to say anything about blacks and browns) where they are racist to other Asians but don't dare to say anything about browns and blacks because they are the "victim" class.

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