yoisi 23 points ago +23 / -0

Tommy Robinson has been trying to claim that indians are better and that the West should import more of them. And his retarded followers agreed with him

yoisi 33 points ago +33 / -0

Japanese have a high trust society . Unfortunately just like White people they have been brainwashed to think the rest of the world can be trusted the same way a fellow Japanese can be trusted because of propaganda that "all races are equal and people are the same everywhere"

yoisi 9 points ago +9 / -0

You underestimate how bad zionists can be. Have you heard and seen Rabbi Shmuley for example?

yoisi 3 points ago +4 / -1

i mean both of them are making "their side" look bad. The pajeet pedo is making the anti israel side look bad and gopower2024 the annoying IDF is making the pro israel side look bad

yoisi 9 points ago +9 / -0

Seems that way. Freaking coward deleted his own comments

yoisi 5 points ago +5 / -0

im more pissed off over his overmodding legitimate users whilst ignoring trolls. If i had to chose i would chose less moderation overall because trolls can be ignored and blocked and i like my free speech. But as it stands its worse than that, there's over moderation and banning of legitimate users just because they notice too much on topics he doesn't like people noticing about , whilst there is also under moderation of trolls.

yoisi 7 points ago +7 / -0

oy vey why don't you stay on your containment board over on conpro and and never say anything about jews on any other board goy

And calling out Dom's bad and biased modding is not the same as asking him to be replaced.

yoisi 7 points ago +8 / -1

sure bluestorm

yoisi 18 points ago +20 / -2

Haterjuiced was the alt account that Bluestorm used before and they talk and troll in the exact same way. And i could also accuse you of being an alt of Bluestorm if you want to accuse me of being "part of the brigade" you JIDF faggot

yoisi 16 points ago +19 / -3

Reminder that Graphenium is a JIDF shill retard who likes to call anyone he doesn't like "part of the brigade"

yoisi 9 points ago +13 / -4

what's happening in Gaza is an actual genocide unlike the fake genocide called the holocaust that for some reason newspapers from before nazis even came in to power kept claiming 6 million jews were being killed in different countries https://x.com/bambkb/status/1791106541849825694

yoisi 45 points ago +47 / -2

Reminder that DOM allows trolls like this faggot to run free but bans legitimate users for noticing too many facts.

yoisi 37 points ago +39 / -2

Fuck off Bluestorm

yoisi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Like i said, you just don't like people calling out your hypocrisy

yoisi 6 points ago +6 / -0

"people want the community purged of you"

by "people" you mean the 5 JIDF here that is whining that most of the community sees the truth about you guys and calls out your hypocrisy.

yoisi 11 points ago +11 / -0

You complained the last time someone mentioned that israel was murdering babies acting like it was a "low shot"

yoisi 14 points ago +15 / -1

Besides whining about the Japanese denying war crimes from 90 years ago is hypocritical coming from you considering you yourself are denying the war crimes of israel at the moment.

yoisi 24 points ago +24 / -0

The modern Japanese government doesn't deny it happened they've already apologized many times, what they deny is CCP trying to exaggerate some of the war crimes.

Maybe you should research things more yourself before you make fun of others for not knowing things.

And samurais DO still have an honor code. Being ruthless doesn't mean they didn't have an honor code they follow.

yoisi 18 points ago +19 / -1

In the first place Oda was a ruthless guy that make Hitler look tame, . Oda had the philosophy of killing everyone men, women and children of enemy clans "kill them before grudges even start" was his philosophy and he proudly called himself "The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven". If leftists are going to complain about Hitler, then why would they glorify someone for serving a lord more ruthless than Hitler? Oh wait we know why, cause he's a nigger and they can't stop their nigger worship

yoisi 33 points ago +33 / -0

Obligatory copypasta:

"The sole argument for the existence of Yasuke is the Jesuit chronicles of their missions to Japan. Which were filled with nonsense and aren't taken seriously by most Catholics. Several of them were bloating their accounts in hopes of a bishopric.

Nobunaga never mentioned him in his own writings. Which given that Nobunaga would write poems about pretty much anything he laid eyes on, suggests that the two never met. The sole corroborating account stated that one of the missionary priests had a black servant, and they presented him as a curiosity to Nobunaga's court, but there is evidence of nothing else.

Here's another strain on historical credulity. Supposedly Yasuke fought for Nobunaga as a samurai. One of the claims is that he spoke fluent Japanese.

The time period between when they supposedly met and when Nobunaga was assassinated by Akechi Mitsuhide was... three months.

A black guy from what would now be Morocco, probably a slave to the priests, and someone whose language skills would have included mostly broken Portuguese, supposedly learned the second most difficult language on earth in three months. For reference, Japanese has three goddamn formal alphabets.

There is nothing about the story that is historically credible. There is more evidence of Santa Claus than there is of Yasuke. Now if you want a Japanese historical figure that is actually interesting and actually real, I suggest Honda Tadakatsu. He's a real life Hercules."

yoisi 4 points ago +4 / -0

Showing your black side arent you? we know that blacks don't have empathy for animals or nature. Similar to jews

deleted 8 points ago +9 / -1
yoisi 35 points ago +35 / -0

As if ubisoft will ever talk about jesuit subversion lmao, the entire story of Yasuke itself is a jesuit subversion

yoisi 41 points ago +41 / -0

Who is plotting against Japan? other medieval Japanese rival clans?? The only thing Yasuke did was be a slave for one clan in the midst of a massive medieval clan conflict in Japan

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