yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

social contagion theory.

yeldarb1983 6 points ago +6 / -0

puzzle games

so basically something they can skinner box the hell out of and put on the apps stores...

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

english is not your first language

...somebody didn't think this through...

yeldarb1983 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're called ash can films. studios license the film rights to a property from the copyright holder, and usually, there's a contractual obligation to produce a film based on that property within a set number of years, or the film rights revert back to the owner. If a studio can't get their shit together within that period of time, they have to make something, so they'll make a half-assed version of the film and give it no more of a release than they're contractually obligated to make to retain the license, then either try to make something good in the time allotted or sit on the rights for another cycle.

Look at the fantastic four for example. there were three separate films that bore that name (not counting the one that actually managed a sequel), all ten years apart. there was the richard donner version in the nineties that was never intended to be released, the two movies in the two thousands, and then fanfourstic in the 2010s.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

...because tumblr banned porn that one time...

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

never trust people whose native tongue includes phlegm as a syllable, lol.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

animal farm was better than 1984 in my opinion. somehow it's more approachable, and gives a better feel for how socialism makes things incrementally worse while pretending it's making things better.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah, but gamergate lives rent-free in these people's heads... you guys really are their white whale (can't count myself among your number, I wasn't part of the movement, though I definitely agree now that I understand what it's about)

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am a megaphone

...so she's ear-bleedingly loud, and people can't really understand what she's saying?

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

eh, maybe it's just me, then. blood omen seemed like you basically sat there trading hits with enemies and hoped you got in more than they did. Soul Reaver was a lot better, but it got tedious after a while.

loved the concept of both, though, and the story was intense as hell...

technically, I "own" all five games between steam and gog, so I could go back and try to play them again, I suppose.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

even before the woke mind virus things were trending that way, though. I don't hate story in a game, I just feel like sometimes the story takes a back seat to actually fun gameplay, which turns what should be an enjoyable experience into a slog...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

...seems like it would be pretty easy to troll them on that...just act super patronizing about how they totally didnt mean to make such a monumentally hideous UI, it just sort of came out that way, lmao.

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

eh, it goes further back than that. The series that keeps coming to mind for me is Legacy of Kain. Rich world. Dark, twisted characters. incredible story.

...aaannnddd shitty controls/boring gameplay.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

agreed. I don't have a problem with story in games (beyond the obvious), I just hate it when a dev focuses so hard on story that they forget to make the game actually playable, lol.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've said it before, and I'll say it again; "anti"-racism is just racism with a better PR team...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0


outside of open world survival (is there any kind of standard name for minecraft clones yet!?!), crafting can definitely become a chore.

yeldarb1983 5 points ago +5 / -0

even beyond innovation, it seems like a lot of games have clunky controls. I can deal with a little sameness, I just don't want to fight the keyboard/mouse/gamepad constantly, lol.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

oh god, don't get me started on QTEs... If I wanna play ddr, I'll get the fucking mats out and play ddr...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

i'll give skintendo credit, they've always tried to make their games fun, even though they've had their missteps, and they've always been at the forefront of innovating controls

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Makes sense.

yeah, the independent games are where it's at these days, and even that can be a craps shoot sometimes.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I might have? I'd have to check, but If I have, it would be on the shelf, most likely ps4.

If I'm remembering correctly, it's basically just a graphical update. controls were always fairly solid, so no worries there.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

prolly need an emulator at this point, but try out Katamari Damaci or one of the sequels if you haven't already. story's retarded, but the game's fun. just try to make a bigger and bigger ball of stuff.

heads up; you're gonna want a playstation style controller for best results, xbox/switch style controls have the sticks in the wrong position.

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