waiwha 15 points ago +16 / -1

(((Totally(((Regunberg(((people))))))))) Srsly it's a waste of time to engage it with words. Re! Gun! Berg! As in...

waiwha 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is this another one of those instances where "white men" means (((fellow whites)))? Accidental Rautian slip there? How before jews were free to terrorize Europe no one had any negative experience with Muslims?

waiwha 10 points ago +11 / -1

Indeed, in my experience a larger portion of the better looking people have refused to participate in that atrocity.

Though, I think that's not all of it - it's about hating beauty, and having low or no aversion to disgust. After nearly a century of jewish oppression, it's no wonder the majority are so inclined.

There's a very good analysis by Leather Apron Club about the beauty-truth-morality connection, if anyone's interested. He's still on rat tube afaik. Pretty much all his vids are great.

waiwha 1 point ago +1 / -0

"However, whether or not He strikes England - that is another question. Then, maybe, this old sinner and so-called God's friend may try to banish this danger with his prayer."

waiwha 21 points ago +21 / -0

(((certain groups trusted by the government)))

waiwha 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only reason I upvoted was to bring it to 110, though this very sentiment is what pushes any such hopes from manifesting anytime soon.

The power of the people lays within the POWER of the people - to rip these traitors apart. Now, obviously there's a season for any reason etc, for now at least understand what matters (and what doesn't) and organize in small united communities irl, be ready for the next opportunity these demons give ya. The only situation where elections could matter is, by necessity, a situation where the (bean) counters are more afraid of us than drunk off our blood.

waiwha 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing to do with voltage, just jewish design. God please smite all jews off the face of earth. Amen.

waiwha 20 points ago +20 / -0

Yeah but when I tell em it's good news that the holocoast didn't happen because it means that not only the Germans aren't evil but that also no jews died I get banned before I can even post it.

P. S. Obviously it's not really that good of a... news. Also that post is an obvious lie but that's beside the point.

waiwha 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nig (whoops sorry I can never assume anything anymore this is meant to convey that the nigger gets more leeway.