Breaking Bad has no social justice in the show itself. A couple of actors said utterly retarded things afterwards, but the show itself is clean.
Name of the Wind and its sequel by Patrick Rothfuss don't have any obvious social justice in it either.
I don't believe a single thing that a person with pronouns in their bio says. He can't even figure out what his gender is ("they/them"), and you expect me to believe that they're capable of telling the truth about a complex subject like that?
She's a walking talking campaign for the GOP, and a very effective one at that
You say that, but the low information troglodytes across the internet are worshiping her as the best politician that has ever existed because she played Among Us on stream and because she acts like a spoiled brat in congress (which is seen as "cool"). Thankfully, most of the people who like AOC aren't old enough to vote. Unfortunately, they will be one day, and the left always tries to reduce voting age.
He deleted it and posted this garbage, lmao.
It'll keep happening as long as women keep getting given special treatment. Why wouldn't it happen? They're always told that they can do no wrong and such, you can't even really blame them for acting on what they've been told all their life.