thesexyindyslexic 0 points ago +1 / -1

you seem to be romantising the nazis, while they did have some good values the leadership where not good people by any messured other than ding well in politics and i dont value that at all, hilter was a untermench, gorbbles was an untermench, most of the nazi leadership are genetically lresser than the avarage farm boy in any part of europe or america

thesexyindyslexic -1 points ago +1 / -2

hitler sent and the rothschild family agreed to put the jewish people in camps and sent 66thousand of them to british palestein before briton told them to stop because they where at war and many of the nazi leadership where askenazi jews so why arnt you calling it judeo-nazism?

"They considered the Germans a unique race with good qualities worth preserving and cultivating" they considered germans an indo aryan race and a more pure blooded one than their allies the arabs and japanese who are also indo aryan but mixed with other races, which is where the ideal of racial purty comes from, you talk about nazis but dont know what they believed....

"I don't think they ever said ugly people can't exist. Unsure what your point is" you litterally just said that one of your issues with what ever the fuck you called it is that it puts dysgenic people in charges, its like you arnt acting in good faith

you are ignorant of history and if you dont know the truth of history you are handicapped in understanding the world today

also the hebrews are aganist mixing to the point of king david having a women his son brought home to marry ran though with a spear, contrast that with judaism in which any child born of a jewish women is considered jewish reguardless of how little "jewish" dna is in the kid

thesexyindyslexic 1 point ago +2 / -1

ok, lets say america becomes nazis tomorrow with joe biden in charge, do you think they are going to be the version of nazi you have in your mind or do you think its just going to be giving the same twats a lot more power in exchange for paying lip service to a few "nazi" ideals while doing little to nothing to acomplish it?

"The false virtue of egalitarianism elevates the weak into positions of power they have no business being in" 90% of the nazi leadership where weak and sickly looking, certinaly not the cream of the genetic crop, much of those guys died fighting in the trenches

the biblican hebrews are european not jewish im not going to argue that point because if you dont know that fact you arnt going to get it anyway, learn from history or be doomed to repeat it

thesexyindyslexic 4 points ago +5 / -1

na, leftism is not a thing, the people in charge are not leftists, the people running the RNC are not right wing, they each espouse one set of crafted values, its the same deal in every country with some groups focosing on one narrow band of issue that the prebs are intrested in but ultimately they serve who ever pays the most or has them compromised in some way

think of communism, everytime it gets tried its not real commnism because when you give a group of people so much power they abuse it and you end up with a new aristocracy of varing degrees of competancy and motives who rule over the plebs with an iron fist

"The political compass commonly memed is worthless, but there is a single objective scale to measure political ideology with. The core measurable scale of left vs right is scale of government power." so heavily arm pedo brothals is a right wing utopian ideal in your opinion? thats anarchism for you, the strong and rich subjugating the weak by paying enough thugs to defend from anyone local, that does not seem classically right wing to me

ultimately if you are trying to map the nuance of human beliefs, society, economics, relgion, and good government of a population in meme format you are going to fail

you can also mix and match as you choose, there is no reason you cant have left or right wing fascists, or communist, or capalists, none of these descriptions are a real country, with a real people, and a real currupt government, real culture

thesexyindyslexic 8 points ago +15 / -7

people like to ignore the SOCIALIST part of national socialist

ultimately left and right are just words made up to control how people think and dig you deeper in to a two party system of voting for which door of the slaughter house the herd should use

thesexyindyslexic 6 points ago +6 / -0

people are animals, think of it in turms of a nature documentary and it become clear, women want men who are proven to be wanted by other women

thesexyindyslexic 6 points ago +6 / -0

your generation can find 90% of the pulp speculative fiction on archive.org for free https://archive.org/search?query=Startling+Stories

Alternatively you can also get the books from each of the major authors containing most of the pump stories from them, As well as the books they wrote later in life also for free on archive.org

Im not saying you didnt get shafted but like on stuff like housing and living in a high trust society not the accessiability of pump mags

thesexyindyslexic 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its weird how the golden age of science fiction, With authers some named goldstein and silverstein, Had a story writen by a jewish man in which jews on anther plent debate some principle of the talmud, Weird that, How a jewish guy would include an anti semetic conspiracy theory in a science fiction story about his own people

thesexyindyslexic 2 points ago +2 / -0

if you want conquest thats true most of the time but war is not always about conquest, often its about gaining an advantage, long term they will need troops on the ground to take more terroitory but right now all thats needed is chaos, there is lots of ways to acomplish that, simply messing with the global food supply would be one way to go about doing this, unstable african = unstable middleast which is their goal, you could argue its espionage rather than war but thats just semantics

thesexyindyslexic 3 points ago +3 / -0

thats a very reductionist view point, the war in the middle for instance, not about the troops on the ground, it was about destabilizing the middle east so israel was safer

most wars are fought for some kind of advantage one way or the other, who benifit is not always the clear part but someone always does, even if its just the weapons manufacturers

the same deal as isis, they are Israeli secret intelligence services, the one time they attacked israel they apologized after, their entire propose is to keep the middles east unstable, they arnt trying to win territory, they just want to cause chaos while acting as a on running false flag towards the arabs

thesexyindyslexic 8 points ago +8 / -0

no it wont, war will be nam/afgan style for quite some time, we might have automated prision guards on our jail societies though, its about the only use of automated weapons, great for guarding but thats about it, oh and for trying to keep down the gorrilas but its going to be throwing money and ammo at the problem, look what happened in vitenam, they used the unexploded ammo and made weapons to blow americans up

if i where a despotic leader i would prefer people over machines, people fear betraying you because they have things to lose, all it takes is one smart hacker or one pissed off It person and your army could turn on you, you can put in safe measure, you can have a decentralized system but that just makes them more easily hackable, if they are all controlled by a few main systems then they are a major security rik

thesexyindyslexic 0 points ago +3 / -3

this is a fart sniffing thread, just like the people who love the program you guys think you are superior for disliking/like some stupid program, bitch you are still watching it, touch grass

thesexyindyslexic 2 points ago +2 / -0

GOOD MORNING VIETNAM caps lock but im already committed, its a great film, comedy might not be to your taste though, give it a try anyway

personally i like audiobooks over movies, mainly because there is a lot more good books than good movies, robert heinlein has an interesting litany universe and its got quite a lot of military stuff in it, he was also in the us navy and spied on russia for america (using his career as an author as an excuse to to travel though russia) which is pretty cool, there is also a hell of a lot of old science fiction which is gold, and most of it you can find online free(legitimately not just piracy)