Stanford prison made this clear, it is human nature. Once given permission to hate and abuse, humans do, apparently with fervor, like they've desperately been waiting for it with their hate-filled heart.
Disaster Report 4 is on Switch and PC, somewhat current. I always lump Jumping Flash in the group just because it's so off the wall. PS1 had some real magic. First time I played the demo for Wipeout, total game changer.
That was never a possibility though. Sneakily removing it, that's more these racist's speed.
Remove it digitally and never say a word would be the obvious choice.
Mr. Mosquito, Jumping Flash, Katamari, Disaster Report, I miss em too, we need more wackiness.
You think Raul was tweeting these himself before death? Of course not, you hire some kid part-time to run an app that handles all your social accounts, and that kid writes the posts and schedules them. Likely this tweet was written and scheduled well before the dude died.
Sure, not cancelling social media posts after his death is a pretty big fuck up, but let's be real here, the kid making these tweets ain't getting his last paycheck, so what the fuck does he care.
Shit, we watched Degrassi Next Gen in our 20s, for the smoking chics, and the absolutely absurd stories. It wasn't any good but you could laugh at it and take in the scenery.
Bam deserves to be in the game, simple as. His contribution to skateboarding, and the fact he was in the originals, he deserves to be there, period. Tony is right, and ultimately a good person.
Bam, sadly, built his career on doing increasingly stupid shit, and everyone just cheered him on like it was hilarious. Well, how hilarious is Bam now? Is it still funny, cause every asshole cheering him on 20 years ago, y'all helped his trajectory, and clapped like monkeys while this dude increasingly ripped his life apart. Viva La Bam wasn't peak anything other than the peak embarrassment of a hardcore drug addict. Where Bam is now is the end trajectory of a drug addict, and I assume it isn't as amusing as a 20 year old drug addict pranking his family and destroying his house for the suits. Probably has something to do with all of the domestic violence.