Good. They should just end the terrorist threat.
The same way you stop a plane from being fried, you retard.
I can't imagine being as autistic as you are about this, and still being wrong.
Daisy chain drones through data link, and launch missiles from non stealthy missile trucks 200 miles away.
Weird how you don't need an f35 for that.
Hey baby-rapist,
This is how we can tell you're low iq, because you're already coping and seething this hard. Faggot.
we don't just fire AIM-9s into combat from hundreds of miles away and let them fly themselves to the AOR to engage targets?
They don't have the range. They're also heatseekers, VS the aim 174/260 missiles (as the latest and greatest) which are going to basically do just that.
Counterpoint, the f35 is in a weird spot with how combat is evolving. We're looking for longer kill chains with longer range missiles (which means missile trucks), vs dedicated fighter/bombers which are still vulnerable in contested airspace.
The f35 being multirole isn't the problem, the problem is multirole close in fighters are the weak point, they can't carry bigger weapons (especially without hypersonics, which are going to be more and more important as time goes on), and a lot of the 'stealth' weapons we have are just low obs, not truly stealthy, which means they can get shot down by advanced tech.
In a war against China, for example, I'd rather have a ton of AIM 174s/hypersonic missiles on missile trucks with a few f35s than a ton of f35s with sidewinders and amraams and few missile trucks.
Also the f35b sucks balls and never needed to get made.
I'd rather have just kept making/updating f22s in the fighter role for airspace control, and skipped the 35 as a fighter/bomber and just made a more dedicated ground attack aircraft with some a2a ability, if we're hellbent on spending money.
The trick is to put them down permanently the first time. They fuck around, shoot them.
Hamas is a designated terrorist organization.
Yeah, terrorist supporters should get deported.
Any questions?
Nah, they supported the pedos the Kenosha kid shot too.
Being pro criminal outweighs being anti white, as long as the crime hurts someone on the right (or not as far left)
Yeah, it's like a druggie od'd and people rioted over it.
Faggots. The left is pro crime and pro criminal.
While he's correct that it's not strictly "socialist" in terms of prior socialist attempts, Lindsay (and others) have long been correct in calling it cultural marxism, which was actually on wiki for a long time until it got turned into a 'conspiracy theory' (aka fact the left doesn't like being pointed out).
The real issue is we never went far enough in removing the communists the first time, and we need to purge them again from every position of power in the US.
Yeah, but that all makes sense and is reasonable, unlike OP who just wants to seethe about the jews instead.
Would I love to have absolute freedom of speech? Yes.
Can we trust leftists with it? No.
So we don't have it, and we have to wield our power to remove leftists from power at every opportunity, and fuck them over, just like they've done to us.
We play the game by the rules we have, not the rules we wish we had.
Sounds like we should arrest him for treason.
Canada is a clown country, and basically new india
Should get deported with prejudice instantly, and never allowed back in
There's been a ton of weird shit in star wars. And I guess "people" is too much, but it's complicated.
And lucas really was better off not being allowed to make all the decisions. The whills were dumb.
Lucas was always trying to use the whills as the people writing this down, iirc with 3po and r2d2 being the ones telling it to them.
He was best when he was reigned in some.
Checks out, they're definitely bending over and spreading their cheeks for everyone.
As long as you retards were all there, I'd accept that trade.
You only need a few hundred to end the world.
The UK has some, France has some and I'm sure that other countries could easily find some.
Experience, and he's been anti China for a long time.
I don't think he comes up with the best ideas on his own, but he's very deep in it in general so that knowledge is super important.
Rubio was one of the best picks tbh. A lot of them are a lot worse, but Rubio was always a solid foreign policy guy.
Because the left hates jews?
I don't know how this is a shock to anyone