fuckthisplace1 -3 points ago +0 / -3

Is every user here a clone of all the rest? NONE of you EVER have an argument. It's just childish name-calling like "Alt" or "Glowie". It's so fucking pathetic and no different than the Reddit fags you fags pretend to be better than.

At least the trannies on Reddit know how to use a question mark. LOL

fuckthisplace1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Enjoy 50 years of steadily increasing misery and hopelessness.

Maybe for the black-pilled fags who still rely on the outside world to sustain them. Some of us have moved on.

fuckthisplace1 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you think ANY entertainment made today is going to be good, let alone even decent, you're a fucking retard.

fuckthisplace1 -6 points ago +4 / -10

Christcuck normies gonna cope...

fuckthisplace1 4 points ago +5 / -1

I need niggers to fight my war on women for me.

What a little bitch.