Was a nice story until that aftermath section. I think it'd be even worse in modern america, since the public has been intentionally polarized on the issue of vaccination.
Could you clear me for access to the subreddit, then? All my kia2 comments are scrubbed (a result of the sub going private, I assume), so I'm at a loss for how to link one of them to you.
I'm alright with you closing the kia2 reddit sub. I'm not alright with you incentivizing getting back in just to learn more about why it happened. I think it's a conflict of interest.
I'm especially frustrated because I don't think my comment history will suffice to get me access (I don't bother saying something in a thread if I see 10+ other people saying it), and I am a very curious person that feels miffed when information is held just out reach.
Small recommendation, but you might want to look into reading transcripts of pnp sessions. I have a very small number of sessions under my belt due to social issues, so I try to fill in the gap where I can. It's somewhat ironic, because a large part of the point of pnp is the social experience (and another large part is that it's basically cooperative storytelling, which a writer may get a kick out of).
I recommend giving it a try, since you've got a setting and thematics set up already. It doesn't take too much to be able to make your own crunch/mechanics - since you already have themes to rely on for flavor, you can make a stronger product than the guy that tries making an omni system (such a system has little flavor because it can't rely on themes).
I make systems as a hobby (I refuse to publish until I make a perfect one), and find theming to be a struggle because I kinda hate creative writing. Hopefully you don't have the opposite problem and hate doing mechanical writing.
Thanks. I don't play it, but I do like to hear about this kind of thing. Helps me remember which companies/games to not bother with in the future. Sometimes it's even a sign that a company's internal problems might be getting resolved (it'd take something big for me to trust blizzard again, though).
Is this about a game? Am I supposed to search that quote on google? No link or anything, most comments rambling about china and blizzard.
You might want to consider trying the first Divinity: Original Sin. I couldn't even finish the sequel because I disliked the writing and direction, though I also hated what they did to the combat system with the poorly thought out physical/magical shields blocking most statuses. I also hated every enemy being able to teleport over hazards I strategically placed (very rare to see in the first game).
Looks like he's promising to rewrite a scene to be less offensive to the mentally ill. I like his games well enough, so maybe his phrasing is just misrepresented by google translate? Doesn't look good, regardless.
Ah, that makes sense. I suppose I would've noticed before if I was doing my part and checking your sources, haha.
Good writeup, you even drop in some archives. One point of confusion, though: why are sections of the glassdoor quotes numbered?
It'd honestly surprise/disappoint me, because The Donald fosters such a positive atmosphere with lots of good faith exchanges - it just doesn't mesh to me that they'd want to impose restrictions that aren't legally necessary for other locations. I can believe they adopted such regulations for good reasons in their main location, but I hope you can understand why our group might contain an increased density of free speech absolutists.
Can't apologize for knee-jerking a bit, but this should help it make sense.
That sounds like kind of a big deal to me. I'm an american, but I don't use nigger to indicate skin color. It's a label that describes a degree of unpleasant and disruptive behavior, like assaulting a person because they said nigger. I heard some time ago that english people across the pond had a similar definition, but I doubt I could find a datasource online to back that up.
Anyway, if you come to discover that we really are barred from saying the biggest NoNo Nigger-word on .win sites, would you please arrange a stickypost or something to notify users (to not get their hopes up about this place)?
Perhaps it could be rephrased as 'illegal violence' or 'illegal acts'.
This begs the question: illegal where? Even just clarifying that we're not stuck being bound by California laws (or their "laws") would be a relief. You know the kind of bullshit I mean, like not being allowed to say negative things about polygamists or cuckolds.
Maybe I'm just too beat up from my time on reddit, but I reflexively recoil from what should be plain and normal regulations because I'm so accustomed to it being misinterpreted on purpose. I've seen how you and Dom act as mods, so I'm not very worried, but we may have caught a lot of refugees that aren't familiar with you two.
Nice. Gives me a reason to turn on javascript and post occasionally if there's going to be discussions I can't find elsewhere.
Didn't know they got a .win, thanks, I'll check up on them later.