TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

It's really not hard to post and do other things.

TheImpossible1 10 points ago +18 / -8

And anyone who doesn't want their ID on a government database (with their viewing history), that could fall into feminist hands at any point.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +3 / -7

If only Hitler's brownshirts had been a bunch of dumb sluts!

Hitler himself credited women as the people who saved early Nazism by believing in the ideals he pushed after being arrested for the Beer Hall Putsch.

Besides, the brownshirts will be the broken simps they convince to defend their non-existent honor.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +6 / -9

I'm not blaming anything on OnlyFans. It's an evil organization, but if it didn't exist, they'd have something like it.

My position makes sense. The more power they got, the more comfortable they were with revealing their true beliefs. ConPro trash should know this, all their talk of "showing their power level" (I.E their view on Jews) is literally feminist tactics of hiding their anti-male beliefs until in a position of power to act on them.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +3 / -11

Maybe if more people opposed Hitler before his goals were obvious, a lot of lives would have been saved.

They're telling us right now what they want to do to us. Huge rallies in major cities waving flags with pink knives on them. Violent clashes with police. Feminism already has their brownshirts ready.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +8 / -16

Stupid retort is stupid.

Let's say I'm 30, for the sake of discussion. They get married before I was born, obviously. So let's say they married in 1990, again, just for ease of discussion, using whole numbers.

Do you know how different things were then? OnlyFans would sound like a sports website. Mentioning ESG would get blank stares. The education system hadn't been in women's hands for a full generation yet. Most of the issues and beliefs I talk about now were still confined to sociology departments in the depths of academia, people still believed laughing at feminists was the best option.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +4 / -16

The law is about cutting all possible outlets for sexual urges that aren't "sell your soul to a woman".

If they really wanted to protect kids, they should be attacking women's dominance in the education system. This is just a cynical ploy to try and remove all competition from women.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +3 / -7

Nah, I'd set a calendar reminder for five years from that day and then laugh in the guy's face for not listening to me when the leech takes his house.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +6 / -18

1930s Germany, two men are talking in a café.

"Hitler is evil, these Nazis on the streets are psychotic. This is going to end badly."

"All you talk about is Hitler. There's a life beyond politics."

which is why you've moved on from definitive predictions to "one day".

Because they're very unpredictable people. They will push something hard, and then turn against it. Look at transgenderism. It was their final solution to the male problem, now they're crying to the tradcucks to make it go away.

All that's really obvious is that they will continue lowering our standards of living and dehumanizing us on a grand scale.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +3 / -8


I don't have suicidal thoughts, I don't have any depression issues, I'm in a good place.

The fight is never over. One day the dam will break and they will drown in the reality of their actions.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +6 / -11

The United Kingdom is planning to ban VPNs because they "protect pedophiles".

I'm sure all the hell-spawned gender traitor fucks who want to shill marriage will pull the same trick.

Never mind that you're dooming these young men to a life of misery, that you're pushing them down a path that heavily increases their suicide rate, as long as the worse half of humanity can leech for a few more decades.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +3 / -8

I'm perfectly happy, or as happy as you can be when all your hobbies have been overrun by human trash, your political side is being brainwashed into supporting said trash and you know the job you're in could be your last because said trash is openly bribing companies to only hire them.

All things considered, I think I'm in a good mental state.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +4 / -13

Women lying is unlikely?

It's a privately traded company, they have no scrutiny on their financials.

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +7 / -20

I don't spend all my time on it.

Also, the whole "you're weak if you speak up" spiel doesn't work. The other side of this war is actively cheating, violating practically every part of the social contract and arguably most of human rights law.

Did you see that they made women-only tower blocks in my birth country?

Yeah...looks like we're going to see Jane Crow laws one day. And people like you will still claim that "we're being pathetic" for speaking up even then.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +3 / -12

spoken through tears

"You post on the Internet about women, why aren't you happy like me!"

picks up glass of whiskey and continues drinking himself to death

Misery loves company.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +3 / -12

Anyone shilling marriage, "men and women need each other" and other "we're in this together" type bullshit is trad. They care more about their ideology than helping people.

TheImpossible1 -30 points ago +7 / -37

Pretty sure marriage is the best way to show who's a complete moron.

If a man is married, you know :

  • He doesn't understand probability.

  • He is more worried about external judgement than his own future.

  • He is easy to manipulate.

  • He doesn't have the ability to imagine people acting out of malice.

  • He is almost certainly a victim of women's grooming to destroy self worth.

TheImpossible1 2 points ago +8 / -6

The reason for the difference is simple : Women do not like competition for the simps they've groomed. They want to maximize their monetary gain from it.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +4 / -16

That's what the marriage pushing tradcucks want...are they stupid?

They should pin marriage stats to the top of the page. Russian Roulette has better odds.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +3 / -11

I love the fact that you're using this post to grandstand about trannies and that fucking traitor Peterson.

This post, that's about the [deleted for Rule 16] that groom young men on OnlyFans.

I'm not sure if it's unintentional irony or just hypocrisy.

TheImpossible1 7 points ago +13 / -6

Groomer women, "actresses" and groomer women.

Edit : I can't believe we live in a world where porn stars are actually more moral than the average woman. They fuck on camera and have a clear distinction between reality and video, while the average woman is a psychological manipulator toying with broken men to maximize revenues.

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