Telia 15 points ago +19 / -4

He would not be German you globalist retard. A piece of paper from the government does not make you a German. But even if you want to call him a German it would be extremely dishonest to not mention that the terrorist was also an arab muslim. Just like its completely dishonest to not mention Magnus is a jew and to pretend he was just a German and nothing else

Telia 8 points ago +12 / -4

And be honest about what this is Matt Walsh works for the Daily Wire, who are jewish thats why he wont name the jew and thats why he lies about nazis

Telia 16 points ago +19 / -3

Imagine if you heard about a terrorist attack in Germany and the media said "the terrorist was a German" just because he had German citizenship, when in reality the terrorist was a Muslim Arab.

That is the level of dishonesty you are talking about when you call this guy a German without mentioning he is a jew.

Telia 18 points ago +23 / -5

No. No matter how long Arabs live in Germany they will never be German. Likewise for jews. Soil does not change your race.

Telia 14 points ago +21 / -7

No such thing as "German jews" just like there is no such thing as "German Arabs". Just because you live in the country doesnt mean you are German .

Telia 28 points ago +34 / -6

i wouldnt call Arab people living in Germany as "German" neither would i call a jewish person living in Germany as "German"

Telia 23 points ago +28 / -5

Matt Walsh is trying to claim that Magnus Hirschfeld was German whilst neglecting to mention he was actually jewish, and tries to compare him to the nazis when the nazis hated Magnus .

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

The reason they didn't have resources is because America sanctioned them, and what you call "suicide" is them trying to keep their own sovereignty and perhaps the expansionism was partly due to feeling encircled by certain globalists tribal people who as the article said "had been planting bases around the surrounding countries to bomb Japan. "

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Whilst their self flagellation was not as bad as Germany's their demonization of their own warrior culture is really bad. Japan was a military country for most of its history yet now the military is so demonized.

Telia 3 points ago +4 / -1

Who says the Japanese empire was insane? the same people who control the world today? if you look up old newspapers, it says that Imperial Japan was complaining about America encircling them and putting bases in China and South east asia to bomb Japan. https://postimg.cc/Ffw79yhT Maybe thats why they did what they did?

Telia 14 points ago +15 / -1

Not voting is the same as letting the other side win, The original point still stands which is that they cited stomach aches to not vote against it because they were being bribed or blackmailed.

Telia 7 points ago +8 / -1

Its 13 nationwide but the prefectures had it at 16-18. The change is to the national law, but it doesn't change much in practise because the prefectures themselves already had it at 16-18

Telia 21 points ago +24 / -3

I disagree. Considering how certain the American politicians like Jessica Stern and Rahm Israel Emanuel were that this would go through, i definitely think there was some form of blackmailing involved https://postimg.cc/vgygVJRh

There's an anime called Angel Cop from decades ago that talked about how Japan is not controlled by politicians its controlled by America and corporations(and i would add that the corporations are controlled by bankers).

Its hard to find accurate and unedited subtitles for the anime because it mentions a certain tribe .

Telia 11 points ago +12 / -1

When an incident in Japan happened when a refugee overstayed and was held in custody and they ended up hurt or dying(i forgot why or how), it was on the news to provoke sympathy for refugees and hate for the immigration department and police

Telia 22 points ago +23 / -1

What media are you watching? NHK the biggest news outlet in Japan is extremely woke and has been saying that Japanese police are evil racists and are racially profiling people

Telia 16 points ago +17 / -1

They have been brainwashed to not be racist by the globalists, they are a lot less xenophobic than in the past. They also get called bigoted for not accepting foreigners. I hope that there are more incidents like this so that they wake up and protect themselves

Telia 9 points ago +10 / -1

oh was it? that makes him a bigger piece of shit thats just asking for it doesnt it? there was another video of him getting slapped which doesnt seem staged .

Telia 2 points ago +3 / -1

nah those arent the red flags the biggest red flags is the fact that they support Desantis. Actual NatSocs hate Desantis

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