Telia 22 points ago +23 / -1

Also apparently on top of the "Yasuke black samurai" myth he made up , Thomas books also says there were hundreds of black people in Japan during feudal era and that Japanese had black slaves

Telia 14 points ago +15 / -1



My grandmother's father was originally Jewish, but converted to Christianity just before World War I, and my grandmother's mother was originally a Christian. However, the family was persecuted. My grandmother and great-grandmother fled to England, but because men were not allowed to be accepted, my great-grandfather fled to the United States and then went to England after the war to reunite with his family.

Telia 3 points ago +3 / -0

just ignore my posts if you don't like it .

Telia 6 points ago +6 / -0


Telia 15 points ago +18 / -3

Well if jews would stop creating, funding and leading so many shitty movements maybe i would post about them less

Telia 11 points ago +12 / -1

Seethe more .Like i said you only focus on it because you don't like me talking about it

Telia 15 points ago +18 / -3

I've posted about a lot of other things. You just don't like it when i post about israel or jews so you focus on that. And this post isn't even really focused on israel or jewish behavior and more focused on republican's behaviour

Telia 20 points ago +27 / -7

As LGBTQIAIDS said, a lot of todays "conservatives" were the liberals of yesterday that couldn't quite stomach the latest and most extreme adverse side effects of liberalism's inevitable radicalization into 'Leftism'

That's why they are fine with actual faggots like Scott Presler representing the MAGA movement and Only Fans whores like Amber Rose being given a platform to be a public speaker at the RNC convention, but god forbid if they ever accept an open Nazi.

Telia 4 points ago +9 / -5

A random guy in Trump's rally would have been a better pick than Vance for Vice President and you know it

Telia 2 points ago +8 / -6


Edit: the people who downvoted me can't face the facts. Did anything improve between 2016 and 2020 when Trump was in office? no. it just got worse. Black worshipping culture got worse, LGBT nonsense got worse. Trump didn't reverse anything he just slowed down the rot. i mean Trump was even responsible for the first time an openly gay person got a cabinet-level position https://archive.md/6olK2

Telia 40 points ago +41 / -1

Ironically it was actually a leftist that made me realize the lies. The leftist was anti war and anti intervention in the Middle East so he pointed out all the lies that mainstream media made about Assad and chemical weapons. And how Assad had given up his chemical weapons yet the establishment media and politicians kept accusing Assad of using chemical weapons anytime Assad was winning.

It was clear the establishment wanted Assad gone, most likely because Syria was one of the only countries not controlled by international bankers.

It doesn't take a genius to start to realize that it was the zionists that were after Assad and the zionists probably made the same lies up about the chemical weapons and ww2 and Hitler and all that. Of course this leftist in particular will not take that step of realization about ww2 and Hitler, that i did, that's why he's still a leftist despite being correct about the wars in the Middle East

Telia 11 points ago +14 / -3

That's why we need a stronger president than him

Telia 12 points ago +13 / -1

Now if Trump isn't a wuss, he would investigate Blackrock and shut it down. But he's probably not going to.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who downvoted this? does nobody understand parody?

Telia 19 points ago +19 / -0

The difference between right wing racism and left wing racism. Leftists are racist against people who are good at building functioning civilizations. Right wingers are racist against people who are bad at building functioning civilizations. Basically right wingers are pro civilization and leftists are anti civilization

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