Begins with 20 minutes of claims that MH370 videos had good chain of custody and showed abnormal activity. Proposed hypothesis, ZPE teleportation (wormhole) from Indian Ocean to Diego Garcia. Not convincing to the skeptic, but definitely worth a bookmark.
Jump to cold fusion, evidence of suppression of discovery. The claim is that random scientists have theories that agree with oddities observed in the videos. Schwinger limit (haven't looked into). Salvatore Pais, who works for USSF and has 5 fascinating patents. So at about 23 minutes we start talking about accurate description of ZPE as curved in the 5th dimension and massive. Then back to speculation based on the video. Casimir effect explained as ZPE consequence, possibly good, serves as well-researched (though less practical) example that might tie into the proposed science.
Magnetic motor overunity at 33 minutes? He shouldn't mix language of "free energy" with overunity because that's the sci-fi spin, not the science. But he uses that for example of Casimir cavity microchips, again tantalizing. Quantum tunneling. Hints of Elon.
At 39 minutes, plasma propulsion, also interesting. Plasma holds charge density better? Changing permittivity to change lightspeed; condensed charge research as code name for cold fusion.
Harold "Hal" Puthoff, whose name I've seen before in his research into mind-reading being debunked. Wikipedia implies he has a patent that was permitted because the examiner failed to prove it was pseudoscience, i.e. nobody knows if it would work. Not similar credentials to other names.
TLDR: Ashton Forbes is not crazy. The cutting edge exists, the scientists are discovering structures the spiritual already knew about but didn't have measurements for. The clickbait headline is accurate enough, about the permitted forms of time travel, as I said, which are not what the mainstream thinks. (For influencing the past and seeing the future we don't use time travel proper as scientists know it, we use harmonious resonance.) The science about lightspeed, Casimir, ZPE, plasma, etc. is largely accurate at the basic level, but has not been proven successful at the detail level (i.e. nobody knows if govs have it for real, which is what the govs want). I suspect the cold fusion data is also in the right direction. Best practice: stick to Jesus who knows all and will share.
Your comment is on the right track. Glad to see the techies are out trying to unpack it, it's a job we can all do together. To infinity and beyond.
Well, u/Graphenium! I'm favorably impressed. A quick skim of the transcript shows they got the science mostly right so far (including Gizortnik's last paragraph)! The right way to talk about time travel is (1) via Einsteinian time dilation as in Interstellar and (2) via the new science of negative time, although that is only a quantum-level effect as yet and in any model would need a new paradigm for sci-fi style interaction with the past. (Hm, let me meditate on that: entangled connection of the past anticipatory event with the future anticipated event. Got it bookmarked.)
I didn't check much for ZPE but they're absolutely on the right track with modifying permittivity. This is not a contradiction of conservation of energy either, the untapped energy is real (and predicted by the Bible) but too poorly understood to be tapped easily (thus all the frauds). They even bring in CDK! I'm looking forward to longer review.
Magic yes, but as a Christian I believe in actual magic too. u/Graphenium might be better charged with overzealous tone-deafness as to topicality, and dogged pursuit of Pyrrhic victory, than with science (gnosis) fails. More at c/Conspiracies anytime.
Nah, to be honest I only made it through about a third of it. It's not even a documentary, it's a bunch of bits connected without much narrative bridging, mostly audio with photos added. I thought we were going to get an extensive interview, but if there was anything big it should've been led with. We only got that Epstein said he worked for Wexner, but there's no way the public interview can be used to build a case. The video then jumps around, including citing Steven Hoffenberg on his relationship with Epstein (Hoffenberg was charged with a giant Ponzi scheme that he blamed on Epstein), and the anonymous "Katie Johnson" on how Trump stole her virginity (I understand she said she only "recognized" him many years later; she withdrew her suit, claiming pressure). Expressing truths "through art"? Just express them through truth! You could have quoted bits or provided article links to get comment, but instead you insisted I watch. I don't know about KIA, but Scored is a high-effort solution-oriented site.
If you want to spread rumors, that's what you're doing. If you want to take down satanic principalities, you need spiritual formation instead. My formation is that I should probably flatten how much time I spend giving people credit for asking me to watch their rambling, untranscribed videos. "I mean real flat, like zero."
Something about this presentation makes me snarkier than usual. Gotta go cleanse with some Bible, a little Canaanite gore may be just the thing.
Yes, if you want any dictionary of forbidden words or phrases applied that is very easy in settings.
The "Manage Settings" contain options for preventing users from commenting who have low scores; I don't know the simplest way to implement code for it so that it also includes account age. Might look into it next month. Do you need anything done besides filtering out contributors with low scores?
Oh, my values align with c/KotakuInAction2 all right, but I see that's not clear to a few people. I understand part of this forum is about unintentional irony and it should be ironic that the Christians here (several besides me) seized names like c/LGBT in the landrush of 2022 just to ensure they remain consistent with Scored values.
Thank you for your criticism and thank you, all lurkers, for your votes. I do accept fully the suffering of being grouped in categories to which I don't naturally belong; it seems the fastest way to get past the namecalling despite its total inapplicability.
My intent to contribute more meaningfully and organically to KIA2 will still need to await future free time, so that should satisfy the dozens of you who chimed in.
Great post! When someone gets very anti-Jewish I tell them they're doing such a bad job of presenting their viewpoint they're showing more likelihood of being Jewish themselves and trolling for sympathy. I ask them how many sheqalim the JIDF is paying them to post anti-Jewish tropes. That shuts up the majority except about two perennial dead horses.
It's still a republic if you can keep it. I can.
The AI is trying to say "DECLAS". Look at it.
Well, again I thank you for bearing with me while you disagree with and resent my thoughts. The core of your point seems to be:
You don't like imagining a world. were evil can persist. without justice.
and you seem to be the only idiot on planet earth. who think bad things don't go unpunished. which is weird to me.
In actuality, I do imagine such a world often enough. First thing I suggest, take the long view and remove "immediacy" from your perspective. If a bad thing gets fully punished much later, people still accept that justice has been done; but, if no late punishment can truly satisfy justice, then nobody should be required to say justice has been done. So to determine if all bad things are punished eventually or not, we need to agree that this means punished sufficiently fully and sufficiently close to the event to be just and meaningful. I think you're reasonable enough to recognize that it's not as simple as God hitting the Smite button on his computer immediately after any sin is committed.
So to imagine a world in which such evils occur that they can never be remedied to any innocent petitioner: if there is no universal justice and evil persists unpunished forever, then as you say each person is his/her own morality, each of us decide what is good or bad irrelevant of any external standard. You punish what you define to be crime, which is fine, except that others don't define it to be crime and keep doing it or empowering it. Everything is a fight then, isn't it? Now what happens is that since we decide what is evil, independently, everything we say about it is "all in our heads". Some other person, or even I myself later, could easily contradict what moral standard I propose today. That means your morality ("harder on crime") is not objectively better than anyone else's, and the meaningfulness of your system of justice is lost. You only find meaning in the fact that a few people agree with you and you've gotten "crime" punished according to your standards, and the poor "criminals" who think you're the wrong one only were defeated because of superior force, and when we don't hold on to superior force others overpower us with their preferred morality. You and I have both considered this at some length, haven't we?
That means that if evils go unpunished forever then there becomes no meaning, good or bad, in that fact, and no meaning to our own morality in complaining that they are evil. If you cannot appeal to anyone outside yourself, your appeal does nothing. So I'm looking forward to your thoughts on resolving your dilemma between wanting to uphold morality as you see fit (which I affirm) and denying that morality has any source outside yourself. If you don't see a contradiction there, well, that's part of meaninglessness.
Did I say people can repent in hell? No. But it doesn't matter because, whether the dividing line is death or some later confirmation, if there is a point of no return then there is a risk of loss. (If there is never a point of no return then everything is fixable and we're Origenist universalists.)
(You may be thinking of purgatory, which is much more complicated, but for which Catholics still admit there is a point of no return and purgatory doesn't cross it.) Your critique of the universalist model is actually in line with the majority of church testimony, not opposed to it as you suggest.
I've had to have a handle on the vast evils that have happened over world history because your basic theodicy arguments (existence of evil, unobserved tree) come up again and again here. I daresay you might be underestimating how evil it is. Now keep in mind: it's your judgment that these things are not being fixed and also will never be. You judge from the limited perspective of what you can see, as do I. But the universe, as you note, goes on to permit these things to accumulate for centuries without apparent justice to our eyes.
This still presents us the same dilemma that you haven't chosen a side of. "if nothing in the known universe that we can observe can stop evil", then your human judgment that good exists has no basis in reality because you would have defined the nature of reality as having no consequential distinction between good and evil. On the other side, every time you say it should be a certain way, justice should fall upon the wicked, you define the nature of reality as having some real and consequential distinction, and you indicate that life does have meaning and that meaning is to find that justice wherever it may be found, and to amplify it until all these unsolved murders are resolved.
Until you decide whether your perception of good does or does not reflect something external to you, your conflict will remain. Either it's merely human and therefore no better than anyone else telling you what to do, tooth and claw, or it's real and thus we can participate in the healing for the evils we have observed. I invite you to join me in the latter quest, it's exciting and inspiring and I will either achieve universal justice or heroically die trying.
If your point is that in the case of afterlife punishment one can take the risk that it's just a sham, my answer was that there are enough natural consequences to bad behavior in this life that they suffice.
You suggest that some bad actors apparently go unpunished, and one could also infer that if, say, sodomy was so wrong then there would be more negative natural consequences (besides some relatively easily avoided diseases). Yes, all kinds of people make all kinds of innovations, sometimes improving on common morality to everyone's agreement, and sometimes trying new things that the majority disapproves; and we might argue that the disapproved innovations don't get the "smite" treatment lately.
This is not a proof that the universe won't stop immorality or that it's unjust. Because Blue, logically, either there is no universal justice (meaning there's nothing "unjust" about the person you disapprove getting off scot-free in your humble opinion); or there is universal justice (meaning that whatever that justice is really will happen and our own thinking that justice has been deferred or sleeping is the real error). You don't get it both ways by saying injustice exists (meaning people get away with junk) and justice doesn't exist (meaning we have no duty to do right ourselves).
It's not me imposing my will any more than it's you imposing your will on real bad actors (like pedophiles). It's us working together to learn how the universe really does work. If the universe has lots of loopholes where what is called bad really does go unpunished, let's learn the universe's true loopholes so we can best pursue our enlightened self-interest! Could there be some good in sodomy after all?
If there is life after death, then punishment after death matters. If there isn't any, then what matters most is the expression of punishment in this life, which is also sufficient if death is the end. So whichever choice you make you still have consequences.
I pointed out in this thread that the sin that is "unforgiven" is the hardening against the way the universe works (e.g. to preserve life), and that's on logical grounds. Every moment you get to harden yourself to truth or to be open-minded and pursue truth, and the hardening yourself is its own sufficient punishment. The person who meets truth and pushes back is already being punished in finding that things in this universe don't work and people recognize him as a bully, loser, or other failure in his pushback. That natural consequence is why most people most of the time have a common grace of wanting to at least appear to be true and doing the right thing, because it works better among humans and also in nature.
So you're right that when one kicks against learning the consequence is that one is illiterate. Over the course of a life we see potential for those consequences reaching a point of no return, and there are some people we consider as unforgivable, gone too far, "sold-out souls". If hell exists it's just the continuation of that, and even if it doesn't the natural way this known universe works is sufficient to explain the phenomenon of unforgiveness (and the deep potential for forgiveness of severe sins as well).
Anyone can turn away from Judaizing, from atheism, from homosexuality, or from adultery. I told you there was only one sin that can't be repented from, and that's on the grounds of logic. If a person rejects the nature of the universe over the course of a mature lifetime, that person gets so confirmed in that rejection that it becomes permanent and unchangeable, and remains negative indefinitely. And that's what the person's free will chose by unanimous consent over many years.
Jesus said that a king will forgive small debts and great debts the same way, but the difference is the one forgiven a great debt is so much more conscious of it that the reaction of gratitude becomes a greater testimony to the king's beneficence. Also there are differences of rewards in heaven, so there are additional things to strive for even though everyone who wants a heavenly relationship with the universe will receive it.
Other answers are the same as before. Thanks for the ping.
In the 80s I read reporting that people had discovered a new theory taught by a couple professors on a couple college campuses that made absolutely no sense but it needed to be shown how strange professors had gotten. They had invented something they called "political correctness". At that time it was basically starting with the idea of being polite and then upending it to make the offended person omnipotent over everyone else. Clearly nobody could live life like that, so these outliers were ignored as they couldn't possibly affect the Reagan boom. Around that time The Jeffersons and Diff'rent Strokes were regarded as just balanced racial representation, and every now and then a sitcom would out a gay character or put characters in a casual sex situation (stolen from soaps). By 1990 the AFA was warning us about boiling frogs but they made a couple errors in their evaluations of less-than-provable Disney suspicions so everyone still gave culture a pass. Happy Days, Wonder Years, Good Times.