SuperflyD 2 points ago +3 / -1

The problem is like Jews & Muslims they are very tribal. This why if Mitt Romney doesn't make another Pres. Bid in 2024 he will keep getting elected until he decides to quit.

Money rules everything in The Church's decision making despite their pious speeches. I don't understand what the OP is getting at exactly. Everything The Church does is to turn a profit. Ideology is secondary.

SuperflyD 7 points ago +8 / -1

I don't care who's signing them Executive Orders need to be limited to immediate emergencies only.

SuperflyD 3 points ago +3 / -0

A well meaning friend got me a subscription to Hulu. I been watch Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and am really surprised how entertained I am by it. Haven't read the books but the word play style of Adams comes across really well and the story is structured in a way that makes me want to keep watching. Its main failing are the woke casting of people who are pretty bad acters. Haven't gotten to season 2 yet so it might fall off without Max Landis. Still the rare show that I have found to be worth my time.

SuperflyD 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nothing I said has anything to do with your points. It is like you didn't even bother to read my comment. Nowhere did I defend this new development. I pointed out that catching people off guard is not a legitimate way to get at the truth especially when dealing with complex issues.

Morons believe that someone who is flustered and stammering is lying because they've watched too many fucking movies and TV shows.

Anybody who's dealt with reality knows that triggering an off-balance reaction doesn't indicate dishonesty but simply that the questionee was not thinking about the asked topic.

SuperflyD 0 points ago +2 / -2

I have never been a fan of gotcha questions. Thoughtful answers requires time to actually think about what was asked. 99.9999% of people cannot rattle off something truly intelligent without any prep.

This all presupposes that if someone is given the questions ahead of time they will prepare truthful, informative answers.

Also no good information ever comes from soundbites unless it is a warning of immediate danger.

SuperflyD 2 points ago +2 / -0

After getting major getting his crowdfunding by appealing to comicsgate supporters he then turned around and blocked distanced EVS and most of the other commentators who signal boosted him.

He has done everything he can to get back in with corporate media.

SuperflyD 0 points ago +1 / -1

Screw this backstabbing piece of shit. Giving him a helping hand now is like hitting a wound just to feel the pain.