This is a revolutionary new kind of math:
9/11 + 1/6 = 9/12, the sequel but it's much worse this time
Vote happens on Tuesday, so preliminary results will be that evening.
I know I'm smoking copium here but humor me for a minute: national news was predicting a landslide for Shillary back in `16, no? Don't they always have to say they're gonna win?
We must hide amongst the Goyim.
Regarding angels, it depends on the denomination. I (raised Protestant) was taught they didn't have any gender but Mormons, for example, believe that they do and that they even reproduce in the conventional fashion.
Ok, start your clocks and let's see how long it is before one of the new waifus ~gas-lights~ these Looney Troons™ with some grade-school Biology or something...
...Aand stop your clocks. It's fifty seconds after the first debut starts talking (the "space" avatar - six minutes fifteen seconds into the stream), wherein she explains that one function of consciousness is to aid in "...wooing the other sex"
BTFOd in under a minute. Go back to your Steven Universe Tumblr and leave my waifus out of your NPC nonsense.
Better Christianity than Libstianity tho...
Unfortunately, even though I've been onboard the GG train since ZoePost day 0, I haven't contributed a whole lot, despite being very thankful (including to everyone here :)) to have been rescued from Libstianity on the very same day. Basically, I'm too old and my APM is too low to be trusted with this archiving stuff.
However, taking a page from my mathematical training, Freeman Dyson once wrote a great article contrasting "Birds" and "Frogs." When GG hit I fancied myself a bird who would eventually soar high enough to survey the entire problem and brain-out a miraculous panacea. That didn't happen though, and all these years later I haven't accomplished much. I'm mostly just disillusioned and I have to give my utmost respect to a frog like you who is actually still duking it out in the mud trying to keep receipts on all the specific clown-world bullshit.
I'm not sure if you've ever played Chrono Trigger, but either way this one from the OST goes out to you, my dude. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of all mankind as a bulwark against the insanity and the darkness.
I shudder to think what manner of trash-tier retconning and "shipping" goes on in there.
According to them, I'm sure Ayla has a dick but Crono doesn't, while Marle and Lucca each get dozens of Twitter profile words to dispel any remnant of a "heteronormative" ending.
Magus is prolly their best boy but at least that's an emo/gay vintage from saner times.
Oh and lastly, Flea of course isn't a femboy trap gag - that was incipient trans-positive a Japanese game in 1995 (lel)
My pasta needs sauce.
I think he's brilliant, so much so that I barely feel qualified to say anything about him.
Made this account to let you guys know that he does have a new blog.
Recently his wife passed away, in the wake of which he even demonstrated some considerable poetic talent. (Peace be upon her)
I had no idea about the nephew thing, so that's prolly my "learn something" moment for the day - thanks for that. Although more of a black pill at least things make a bit more sense now.