Top fucking kek
Because you can't, you lying faggot
Just as I thought, you're not going to cite a single case. How predictable!
Cope and seethe faggot
Mommy Mommy! I said faggot again! Tee Hee Hee! Can I get some tendies now?
Nice COPE. I also like your propaganddit level approach of acting like the more vitriolic you are the more "correct" you are, while combining multiple "faggot"s like a 4chinner. But hey, you must think the more you post the higher your IQ goes, I guess. No wonder you're so angry, because you realize you're still retarded and inbred.
It has been tried!! Again and again and again and again
GREAT! So then you should have no problem whatsoever citing just a single one!
Dear Chicken Little,
I can show you Federal antidiscrimination laws faster than you can show me where GEOTUS had a legal right to use commie forums to post. Sad but true, kvetch all you want. Again, idiots like you who have more faith in Twitter's TOS compared to Federal law are a huge part of the problem. Sorry to take away so much of your time from watching "Cuties" on Netflix, I'll let you get back to it.
lurk before poasting. says the midwit who can't even spellcheck xirself before rushing to claim things can't be done. Are you always this quick to give up? I'd think people like you in this situation never even bothered to so much as speak to a lawyer. Dilate.
okay champ
Go back to propaganddit where you belong. Let me know how your 64th booster shot goes!
I'm sorry you have no balls, whether you elected to have them removed or accidently kicked your father in the chin as you came. But please, continue to yell, scream and call me names while kvetching about how it just can't be done, don't even try.
Meanwhile, as I blatantly fucking said, my employer hasn't pulled this yet, but you better fucking believe I'd be consulting an actual lawyer ASAP instead of whining on the internet like you, you spineless pussy, which is more than most crybabies ever even attempt.
All of you cocksuckers would cheer if someone took them to court, but you lack the courage to do it yourself, so all you can cling to is your "crab in a bucket" mentality until someone actually does it. The law is literally on your side in this case, and most employers would settle rather than publicly fight. But no, you just keep raging like you have all the fucking answers, dick.
Okay, I see why it hasn't been tried. Too much estrogen in your soy lattes.
I don't need to be an orthopedic surgeon to see you have no spine
You fail to understand that not every state is an "at-will" state, as well as the fact they can't simply violate Federal law just because it may be an "at-will" state. Employers don't use that excuse to violate, for example, the ADA.
Coward confirmed. Very sad.
Reading isn't your strong suit, is it?
NOOOOOO you're gonna fail don't even TRY!!!!
But what -- you're gonna prove to your company's HR department (almost certainly full of stuffy white women who drank the Kool-Aid 25 years ago) using facts and logic?
You do understand the concept of "court", right? Apparently not.
If you are then you will just get fired over some pretext, nobody will defend you, no lawyer will take your case.
NOOOOO you can't fight it bro! Just roll over and take it bro!
You sicken me.
What'd them Duke boys do to the General? Coo coo coo!
So they're fired, in other words.
Correct. The legal term for this is "Constructive Dismissal". I hope those affected sue for religious discrimination
If those who were born women are willing to step into the arena, then I'd watch that!