Porter 26 points ago +27 / -1

Imgur is literally Reddit's image hosting service. I'll give you three guesses.

Porter 7 points ago +7 / -0

I already knew about this. Housing prices in my area have spiked outrageously hard this year coinciding with the flight from Cali and the riot centers.

Some people are buying property over the phone that they haven't even seen, supposedly.

Porter 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's likely supposed to invoke the stripes of the American flag. But this is an amusing coincidence.

Porter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Baen Publishing have a pretty hardline neutrality stance on peronsal politics, last I checked. They're still publishing the Hammer's Slammers series (though it's ended, just still in print) which is about as Boomer sci-fi as you can get. [Excellent series btw. Would 100% reccomend to anyone interested in military fiction]

Porter 19 points ago +19 / -0

Something I think is important to remember about the 'crossing state borders' thing is that Kyle Rittenhouse lived in Antioch IL, which is on the very northern tip of the state and actually only about half an hour away from the sight of the protests. Looking at Google Maps, there's less than a mile break between the two town's suburban areas.

This kid pretty much did the equivalent of driving from Carrollton to Dallas, it just happens both cities sit on opposite sides of a state boundary.

Porter 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's kind of a niche game. It's the sort of game you might really like if you enjoy moving freight in EVE Online or Elite Dangerous or something, because the core of the game really is delivering cargo and figuring out your route through the landscape/hazards. Plus some horror elements and the standard Kojima oddness. There are mechanics related to how Sam, the MC, moves and how the distribution of cargo affects his balance and all that sort of thing. Most of your items are relevant more by how they help you traverse the environment than anything else (ladders, climbing ropes, that sort of thing).

I quite like it, but I like exploring and traversing the map as it's own thing, with DS seems to be built around. Of you're looking for a more traditional action game I don't know how much you'd enjoy it.

Porter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I played work while staring longingly at the desktop shortcut for Death Stranding. Finally have some free time today and tomorrow though so hopefully I'll be able to dig myself out of the game's tutorial island.

Porter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shamelessly plugging Cross Code! http://www.cross-code.com/en/home

The top down 2D platforming kind of warps my brain a little, but the controls are tight and the combat is fun, and the game really rewards high skill play. A+ soundtrack as well.