Question, TI...
Why would you want to TRY to stop them?
Anything opposing the biological imperative (or its substitute commodity, porn) is apt to be crushed by a billion years of evolution saying "do want".
If anything is going to crush feminism, it's real price discovery on the value of sexuality. Which is precisely what OnlyThots does.
its a modern fake story invented by sjws
Japanese historians wrote about him in the 19th century.
Here's a slightly easier to read source from the 1920's...
U want translation? Fuk you, here tool, read 4 self.
No seriously, I'm translating Five Star Monogatari, I don't have time.
Nobunaga was... odd.
He was also really into using Ashigaru. Lots and lots of Ashigaru. He was sort of the Japanese version of Oliver Cromwell.
Interesting fact:
There actually WAS one black samurai.
A man from Mozambique accompanied a Jesuit missionary to Japan in the 16th century. Oda Nobunaga heard of a very strong dark skinned man in his territory and recruited him to fight for him. Oda eventually gave him the name Yasuke and elevated him to Samurai.
it's your
No really, it's nice that someone finally recognizes that yes, AoV and TI2 aren't the only goddamn regulars here.
When WotC came up with Kaya, Ghost Assassin they at least had the good sense to make her foil worth buying for the art if nothing else.
She's a $5 junk plainswalker, but the foil art has her phase through a door as you tilt it. Easily one of the coolest foils they've ever printed and runs over $100.
our own soldiers are forbidden from fixing their own stuff
"Canon is only important to certain people because they have to cling to their knowledge of the minutiae." -Leonard Nimoy
I'm going to once again dredge up my old go-to, Mobile Suit Gundam, because short of Gilgamesh nobody's IP has been subjected to more dead horse beatings than that V-finned monstrosity.
And from Gundam we can see one simple rule:
"If you're going to do your own thing, it had better be good."
What do you think Johnny learned from his experience of being flogged?
To read his fiddly little displays properly before letting a nuke off the leash.
There wasn't much higher meaning to it, he got a little cocky and stupid after that march and the letter, and needed to have it beat into him that when you're launching a fukking nuke you do it by the book.
He knew it, his superiors knew it, and the whole mood of it is: "Seriously? You've been here this long and you're still this dumb?"
"Sir, yes, sir!"
Himmler's Walther PP came up for auction at Rock Island Auctions a few years ago. Brownells did a video on it.
If the future doesn't belong to whoever's focused and cruel enough to steal it first and fight for it, who does it belong to?
Humanity will be dead in a thousand years. The trash pandas will inherit the Earth.
Yuta perhaps?