The military isn't about listening.
Does Twitterati not know that SHIT ROLLS DOWNHILL...
you came here with passive-aggressive
Uh, no. If that is your reading of my tone, you are mistaken.
99% of the time, if I'm posting on KiA2 it's in a bemused, trollish, lolzy attitude.
I don't go on forums when I'm angry. I go on forums to have fun.
You keep missing the point which is that you can approach life from a couple perspectives.
You are choosing to expect that good things are to come, and then you are disappointed and angry when that does not happen.
Why do that to yourself?
If you go through life being surprised by the next thing to go downhill, you're choosing to be angry. You are literally choosing to feed yourself a stream of things to be angry about instead of living to find things to enjoy, and do, and build, and create.
Or I think it's just you that you got crushed so hard by constant disappointment of Gundam, you expect nihilism out of everybody.
Oh, no.
No no no no no.
What was the best installment of SimCity? 2k.
What was the best version of Civilization? Alpha Centauri.
Best Star Wars? Empire Strikes Back.
Best Star Trek? Movies 2-4.
Best superhero series? Batman the Animated Series.
Best president in my lifetime? Reagan.
Everything is downhill. Y'understand? EVERYTHING is downhill. Everything.
If you go through life being surprised by the next thing to go downhill, you're choosing to be angry. You are literally choosing to feed yourself a stream of things to be angry about instead of living to find things to enjoy, and do, and build, and create.
it seems that you just have very high standard
then no shit you'd get disappointed
Right so...
Why do you have low standards?
I don't get torn up about this or that being destroyed, because my assumption is THAT'S THE NORM. I expect it of everything. And because of it, I don't notice or care when something is ruined, or why, because it's my default assumption
I have such a low expectation of the world, that rather than walking around looking for reasons to be disappointed, I walk around looking for reasons to be impressed.
What is there to look forward to?
When were you EVER promised anything to look forward to?
I think you haven't suffered enough mundane disappointment in your life, otherwise you wouldn't be so angry because you wouldn't be so invested.
At least they don't try to re-imagine the original characters and replace them with mary sue or LGBT characters and make the art style drastically different.
Oh, that's funny and tragic.
replace them with mary sue
re-imagine the original characters
Amuro still being a loser in Zeta, and Char going "fuck it, asteroid drop" in CCA
LGBT characters
make the art style drastically different
Build, Turn A, G-Reco, Mobile Fighter G, IBO, and AGE
Fans of this franchise have seen Tomino gradually go insane, and Sunrise squeeze more bad ideas out than JK Rowling.
THE GOOD STUFF has been outnumbered by the awful for decades.
leave any lingering attachments
You're only just realizing this now?
How empty does your life have to be that you have expectations about franchises remaining good?
Over in Gundam-world we've been used to spinoffs being shit for well on 30 years. You like the stuff you like, and ignore/shun the stuff you don't.
That's not some staggering revelation.
See I don't think that number is actually right. Or even anywhere close to reality.
Cuz the exchange rate VES (bolivar soberano) to USD was about four million to one in August. The fuerte was replaced by the soberano at a hundred thousand to one, and the bolivar was replaced by the fuerte at a thousand to one.
Which would make the bolivar digital roughly 4 to 1 USD (realistically probably 10 to 1 already in the time since this article went up).
It's about WHO in the banks care.
Who in the banks bullied OnlyFans? It wasn't senior bank management. It was some midwit middle-rank feminist harpy.
And when they get pushback from OnlyFans senior management, they go to THEIR senior management and learn that their initiatives only matter so much as they can push people over with no resistance. When they get resistance, what matters is "is it illegal?" and if it's not then "we don't care".
Again, I don't think you have enough experience in corporate America.
I'm gonna draw out how this conversation went down.
Banks Middle Mgmt: "(Hurf hurf), OnlyFans, you need to stop selling porn or we'll cut you off."
OnlyFans Middle Mgmt: "(Whimpering) Okay."
OnlyFans Operations: "Mgmt, if we cut the porn our revenues will drop by 98%."
Banks Middle Mgmt: "(Whimpering) Okay, nevermind."
Banks Middle Mgmt: "They said no, can we do something?"
Banks Senior Mgmt: "Get out. Next person to interrupt my cocaine lunch gets fired."
They were fully aware it would die from that change
TI, I don't think you've spent nearly enough time in corporate America to understand how things work.
When I look at this, I see the telltale pattern of a stupid management decision being overruled when the hard data comes in and says how stupid it would be.
They wanted OF to die.
No, they wanted OnlyFans to CHANGE.
Instead, they realized that what would happen is that it would instantly go Chapter 7.
They stumbled on the most brazenly stark "get woke go broke", something so primal and binary that there was no ambiguity, no doubt. If you make us do this, we will have to file for bankruptcy.
And so the banks backed down.
Because they too realized what OnlyFans is, and that what they were asking would result in the company to just, die.
And with it, all the money they get from it, drop to zero.
Like, this was the simplest "if you make us do this, this company will end" case.
But you have the wrong conception of what that true power is. You envision it as a cabal.
The true power is the lobster brain.
Man want eat and fuck. That's the true power. Stand in its way and be crushed by the weight of billions of lobsters.
Over a long enough period of time, even feminism will be destroyed by it. Oppose nature and you WILL be crushed by the tidal wave of lobsters.
And yet still falling so short of the actual Nazis.
It's very simple. Bar women from most professions and the problem sorts itself out rather quickly.
You'd think China of all countries would have the legal powers at their disposal to use what works.