OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Race and ethnicity aren't in themselves "abstractions," but imposing a political system on tribes requires treating them as such. Or at least this appears to be the case.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0


Trump is a RINO because nobody can with the Presidency as part of a third party.

He is hated uniformly by both parties, a sign of their essential similarity.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fucking guilt by association!

"Conspiracy" is a crime in itself now, It doesn't matter what sort of action you're supposed to be conspiring to commit.

If you make a plan with your brother and sister to buy your parents a new car, you are now guilty of conspiracy.

They can now point to Trump and say he conspired with these people to "overthrow the government." I'm willing to bet that this will convict him in GA or wherever these fucking disgusting lying dogs are charging him with "fomenting an insurrection."

I hope the people railroaded into the klink can raise enough $ for appeals. I suppose they'll have to use a method other than GoFuckMe and those other outfits that steal their clients' $ at the command of the state.

OldBullLee -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm sorry, I just cannot accept that "Hitler wasn't such a bad guy, he was just misunderstood."

And WW II ended nearly 80 years ago. I can see now, in real time, Trump being unfairly criticized, in fact persecuted, for all sorts of stupid reasons. My opinions of Adolph Hitler rely on what I have read in history, mainly Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich."

OldBullLee -1 points ago +1 / -2

I dunno . . . I find many of his rants informative and entertaining. I'm not exactly pressed for time, so length doesn't bother me if the message is interesting, clear, and persuasive.

OldBullLee -2 points ago +1 / -3

I understand that propaganda is a part of any war, but I'm not quite ready to revise my opinions on WWII, Hitler, and the mass murder of hundreds of thousands.

OldBullLee -1 points ago +1 / -2


I'll admit I don't know how many commies were actively trying to overthrow the USG in the "McCarthy era."

I'll have to get back to you after reading up on his actual claims and what the reality may have been.

OldBullLee -1 points ago +1 / -2

But Trump has not begun a world war or given orders to exterminate entire populations of the country.

Trump is unfairly criticized; comparing him to Hitler is idiotic and simple-minded. In what ways has Hitler been unfairly criticized?

OldBullLee -3 points ago +4 / -7

Well, only in so much as "Alex Jones is right about the Star Wars Trilogy"

I don't get this reference.

OldBullLee -3 points ago +3 / -6

Vice is critical in authoritarianism, because it grantees a point of weakness in your subordinates that you can attack them for later, or make them dependent on you for.

Right. J. Edgar Hoover knew this well.

OldBullLee -5 points ago +3 / -8

My point is that Hitler's actions as Fuhrer outweigh those of his well-intended youth, and that his purpose in writing his autobiography was to present an image to the public that they would find favorable--the same with most if not all autobiographies of politicians.

What does Trump or my opinion of him have to do with any of this?

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

She looks like a younger Norm MacDonald with a crew cut and a ring in his nose.

Who wants to see her nasty nips anyway?

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some well-needed diversion.

Matters of taste, whether it's food or art, make the silliest arguments, and the fact that some people get so angry about them is laughable.

OldBullLee -6 points ago +2 / -8


For example, "You are an asshole" is concise but rather broad in its possible interpretations. Some "truthful things can be stated simply and concisely," but discussions of Hitler, his public image, and refuting claims that "Hitler was just a misunderstood, ordinary guy who was forced into the stuff he did" can't.

OldBullLee -9 points ago +3 / -12

it's high time you notice this and make some genuine argument or something.

Gizortnik always argues logically. All I see from you is personal attack and whinging.

OldBullLee -9 points ago +3 / -12

I would suggest watching The Greatest Story Never Told.

Right . . . Hitler's image needs some rehabilitation.

FFS, of course he was a human being. We are all capable of great evil, and attempts to rehabilitate his image come from the fear of realizing that yes, junior, you too are capable of the most unspeakably violent crimes if conditions are right and you have layers of sycophant bureaucrats to carry out your commands and a press to give them positive spin or bury their consequences. The more compartments, the more layers, the more PR flak-catchers, the more plausible the denials.

Have you considered the fact that Hitler wrote Mein Kampf as a PR piece?

OldBullLee -3 points ago +4 / -7

McCarthy was right AND he "over-reached." He may have had better PR had he exercised a bit of rhetorical restraint. His fag buddy Roy Cohn didn't help.

OldBullLee -4 points ago +5 / -9

The NSDAP never stopped degeneracy, they continued it in private among themselves.

This fact is what makes the case of Ernst Rohm so interesting. Hitler outed his bro as a homo pedophile as part of his liquidating of the SA.

OldBullLee -10 points ago +3 / -13

You should work on shutting the fuck up a bit.

Because you can't compete? Have a hard time reading anything but comic books? Or are you too lazy or distracted to read a few paragraphs?

Maybe you should hang out on X.

OldBullLee -11 points ago +4 / -15

Very well-put, as usual.

I don't understand why some people feel the need to whitewash Hitler's Third Reich. Of course he was a human being. That's part of the horror of his rise and fall, the fact that most anyone is capable of dehumanizing his perceived enemies. It's what we need to do if there's any sort of conscience at all or if we need to create "plausible deniability."

They need to read William Shirer's book, at least.

OldBullLee -7 points ago +4 / -11

Skepticism is fine, but why are you trying to rehabilitate Hitler's public image or deny what the Nazis did from the burning of the Reichstag to the capture of Berlin?

OldBullLee -11 points ago +6 / -17

24 downvotes suggest that a few people here probably think the Nazi "final solution to the Jewish question" was a good idea. All you need to do to gauge Hitler's jew-hatred is listen to a couple of his speeches lambasting and scapegoating them. Oh, there's the bit about concentration camps and gas chambers, too.

Every reasonable and literate person understands that Hitler was a human being and not some sort of super-villain. Efforts to make him supernatural have to do with the embarrassment of having to acknowledge his humanity and the fact that anyone is capable of committing atrocities, especially if you are several layers removed bureaucratically from the evil. You make a decree and leave Himmler and the SS to work out the details.

You also need to understand that in Mein Kampf Hitler was creating a PR portfolio for political purposes.

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