Nezmith -1 points ago +1 / -2

The reason he failed is because he wasn't as radical as people made him out to be. I think a majority of voters would have loaded guns and come running at his beck and call, but he let that slip away and had everyone sit down and take Biden's stolen election with a smile.

Nezmith -1 points ago +1 / -2

The only things I'm looking at are his continued promotion of the vaccine and his assertion that we should all sit peacefully by as Biden destroys our country and fabricates a food crisis that will starve out something like 2/3 the country.

He's become like those Republicans in Congress who occasionally write really mean letters while promising very temporary changes.

His endorsement of RINOs and deep staters prove he has learned nothing from his first term in office, assuming he's honest to begin with.

Sure, I'll vote for him again, assuming nothing better comes along. That's also said with the expectation that the US will cease being the same country by 2024.

Nezmith 11 points ago +15 / -4

The truth few want to hear.

This entire .win network has been painfully predictable lately. Summed up as: something outrageous happens that demands action, people comment about how awful that thing is, everyone shakes their fist at everyone else over how nobody's doing anything.

When someone does do something, it's the most effete response imaginable.

Nothing will change until things get much, much worse.

Nezmith -1 points ago +1 / -2

The link that you refuse to look at (brainwashed, or more accurately, pussified) lists reasons for expulsions alongside citations for where the explanation was drawn from. This includes ritual murders, found conspiracies to overthrow governments, conspiracies to raise prices on trade goods, riots, usury, arson, social justice, financing dissenters, religious animosity, and participation in secret societies.

You legitimately have nothing in this conversation because you can't even do me the decency of looking that information up yourself. You are quite frankly blinded by your love for your wife. There's a reason people are expected to recuse themselves in impartial juries and you are displaying the exact reason why.

Good day.

Nezmith -1 points ago +1 / -2

I've already made my conclusion long ago because you can't read through a single link. Waiting on you, really.

Nezmith 1 point ago +2 / -1

I didn't even know it existed until I came here today.

Nezmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

Pedophiles can't operate too openly. If you're not a politician you'll be imprisoned and beaten to death. The parts of LGBT that are in the light have the most protections, for sure.

Nezmith -1 points ago +1 / -2

I see, you need to defend it to get pussy.


Nezmith 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who said I have to do anything?

Nezmith 0 points ago +1 / -1

Toe the line, twat.

Nezmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

even if they are called far right

That's what we call having morals and the guts to stand out these days.

Nezmith 0 points ago +2 / -2

Proof #1 that someone is brainwashed: they don't look at the evidence closely enough to answer their own questions.

Thanks, it was nice playing with you.

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
Nezmith 0 points ago +2 / -2

Speaking of leftists, you're all about using their terminology. "Some fake conspiracy theory". Don't take that CIA-spawned drivel to heart. Conspiracy theories about governments have this strange habit of becoming accepted fact.

Nezmith 0 points ago +3 / -3

Go get your vaccine. The science is settled.

Nezmith 2 points ago +4 / -2

Did you know you can be imprisoned longer than murderers in Europe for questioning the Jewish narrative?

Nezmith 7 points ago +8 / -1

"International Peacekeeping Forces"

Bullshit. The EU can't even afford to keep their heaters on this winter. Half their citizens are revolting for one reason or another. Having them send their troops over here would just hasten their demise.

The only reason things are as they are now is because people are too afraid of doing anything and buy into our own government's propaganda.

Nezmith 15 points ago +16 / -1

We're already in a civil war. One side has effectively censored the other side, stolen the election, started indoctrinating the other side's children, has control over every mainstream platform, yes.

What isn't mentioned is that this offensive side has also indefinitely detained people for having the wrong beliefs. They've rewritten our history. They've literally shot people on the street for being Trump supporters. Their thugs freely walk streets in some parts of the country where even the police let them drag the elderly out of cars and beat them for not toeing the line.

Their 'elected' president has manufactured a global energy crisis. Moreover, this has evolved into a looming food crisis as farmers can no longer produce food at the rates they used to, if at all.

And it's all because the 'other side' won't lift a finger to stop this. Any protests that do occur are infiltrated and subverted by the FBI because we're too pussy to pack guns to save ourselves.

We should've gone all in on January 6th with guns, and I honestly thought that was going to happen. Instead we had a bunch of people walk in and peacefully have a fucking museum tour like that was going to save our country. Then our subverter-in-chief told us all to go home peacefully or else we'd be Ashli Babbitt'd. January 6th was our best chance at saving the US, and every passing day that likelihood gets worse, but hey. 'Atleast the libs are getting owned' or something.

Nezmith 5 points ago +6 / -1

Because our government was supplanted by foreign-owned entities and useful idiots that want to see the world population reduced by a significant percentage.

The question is if you will obediently or disobediently follow along with, and be distracted by, their plan as they observably take further action to kill you in your home every passing day.

Nezmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

Then you're a lunatic. Russia is a shithole country next to the EU or US.

Let's come back to this in a few years, then.

Nezmith 4 points ago +6 / -2

If he didn't mean any of it, he wouldn't have kicked the oligarchs out of his country. He wouldn't resist the encroach of NATO. Moreover, globalists wouldn't be trying to demonize Russia and drum up war support against them. In the case of a globalist takeover and a Russian takeover, I'd pick Russia anyways.

As you're someone who's miming talking points from mainstream media, I'd ask you not to take inappropriate and hypocritical jabs.

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