MindsetRoulette 4 points ago +4 / -0

So..... Only hire conservative white men. Got it.

MindsetRoulette 19 points ago +20 / -1

Here's a crazy thought. Maybe Blacks will stop having these issues if they stop supporting the party that's been doing it to them since getting off the boat?

The point of the Meme is Democrats being so dumb they use Democrat's history and racist cities as justification to vote Democrat over and over.

MindsetRoulette 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well I mean.... Kinda. Only Whites are dumb enough to mix races like this.

MindsetRoulette 2 points ago +2 / -0

They wouldn't need self defense if men didn't turn into absolute pussies incapable of protecting their women and children.

MindsetRoulette 4 points ago +4 / -0

Aliens are attacking! Also, renounce your religion and give up your guns.

I don't think they've thought this one ask the way through.

MindsetRoulette 0 points ago +3 / -3

I've known plenty. They are called conservatives and mothers. The average man is a pussy compared to how hard Frontier women had to be. Hell even talking to my Great Grandma or Grandma makes me feel pathetic by comparison.

You just base your views of women off slutty perpetual children Feminists.

MindsetRoulette 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well except Feminists don't celebrate badass women... They worship glorified sex dolls. So you can't even hate Feminists accurately. Put some effort into it...

MindsetRoulette 8 points ago +8 / -0

Rand and his wife were attacked by Antifa in the streets of DC. A lot of Congressmen were. Yet they made me of a fuss about Jan 6th than gets surrounded by the mob threatening their own wives.

MindsetRoulette 4 points ago +5 / -1

Who would win?

Assistant Health Secretary, no doubt. That dude is hardcore, has a few surprises, and knows how to hold victims down. Rand couldn't even protect his wife from soy boys.

MindsetRoulette 1 point ago +7 / -6

We already know what happens when you arm women. Reavers get shot and families stay safe.

Frontier women were peak badass and I welcome their return.

MindsetRoulette 22 points ago +25 / -3

I can't even imagine how far you have your head in the sand on this.... If you ever want to ruin your evening you can easily find hours and hours and hours of grown women getting beaten, stabbed, gang raped, murdered, tortured, beheaded, or attacked with acid.

Reavers exist. They've always existed and they will always exist. Which is why everyone should carry a gun. It's the equalizer humanity has always wished for.

MindsetRoulette 21 points ago +22 / -1

Disarm civilians, they become fish in a barrel.

In these UK areas stabbings and nightmare fuel rape is a real threat. They have to use random objects at weapons because self defense weapons are practically illegal.

MindsetRoulette 23 points ago +24 / -1

That's because they can't buy guns. Women have a Right to protect themselves from Reavers.

In America women show how to conceal carry and how to safely handle/fire their gun.

MindsetRoulette 24 points ago +24 / -0

Because arguing over normal stuff has gotten boring.

Now, who would win in a wrestling match a Red Panda or a Sloth?

MindsetRoulette 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feminists- "Everything you can do, we can do better."

Trannies: "Hold my dick"