I would pay to fight Walz
I thought it was male students
Our military is pretty retarded. Our ability to destroy foes is amazing but they're still retarded
She was doing OF. She got called out on it when playing victim and saying how terrible porn was to her
Have you read the bill? It references existing law on how the image has to be depicting an actual real child or very similar. This is literally a psyop
The fact that yall vaginas are still whining about Walsh's sarcastic take on anime and video games is incredulous. Calling yourself the anime right is just plain faggotry
The United Cuckdom
It Israel, our intelligence agencies and possibly the mob working together. Which shouldn't be shocking because mossad assassinated a dude for looking like another dude
I honestly don't think you can blame Harry Potter. I'd say that Hunger Games is almost solely responsible because of the clones it spawned
No you're fucking retarded. It doesn't matter their motivation. If you attack Americans then you should be killed. Being retarded enough to join the military to spread faggotry wasn't up my alley but at least they're not retarded enough to support terrorists attacking the US.
Bill was forcing women to come fuck hin in hotels when he was governor but nobody talks about that
And ubisoft will learn nothing
It somehow appears that all of the people thought to have killed JFK were involved. I guess vast conspiracies are indeed a thing
He should have designated them as the domestic terrorists they are and had the feds rounding them up.
Well it's not an incorrect statement lol. It's just abhorrent to kill children when you have other options
This guy for president
That's because Christians offend the senses of Jewish supremacy. If Christ was the messiah that means they've fulfilled their Covenant and they're no longer the chosen and more important than others. If Christ is the Messiah then his message that all are equal before the Lord means that they won't have dominion over the earth like they believe they deserve. It's literally an existential crisis for them
Women destroyed YA. You no longer get engaging and sometimes gritty stories. Instead it's girl power romance slock
Anyone attacking the US should be put down expeditiously
Who gives a fuck why they are attacking. They're about to learn about consequences real quick. Imagine being some faggot that hates Israel more than they love America. Because that's what you're doing trying to justify this shit
They are purposefully removing actually accomplished minorities to gin up outrage against Trump
Ubisoft is run by cock sucking assholes
Well if you have black people be villians then you might hurt fee fees even if it means being true to reality
That's crazy work
If Hillary Clinton didn't go to prison then this is a nothing burger