KotakuModsAreQueers 4 points ago +5 / -1

You mean the niggers?

If so yes I agree. And/or some other radical lefty.

KotakuModsAreQueers 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Are the cowboy states ready for refugees?"

You mean are my cowboy boots ready for curb stomping? Yeah I guess.

KotakuModsAreQueers 7 points ago +7 / -0

One of the biggest jewish lies is telling white people "It's the Christian thing to do."

No it's not. Bring back the crusades.

KotakuModsAreQueers 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think most of us lost our faith/hope in Bethesda a long time ago. It's a shame.

The last TES will have been Skyrim. The last good Fallout (IMO) was FNV/F3. I doubt we'll ever see another from either series worth playing.

KotakuModsAreQueers 27 points ago +32 / -5

No they're not lmfao. They're just further constricting the narrative.

Every day you lose more of your voice.

KotakuModsAreQueers 8 points ago +11 / -3

Well you're on one of the worst sections of the site for that subject. This sub (or whatever) has 16 rules, and it's as stupid as it sounds on the surface.

Consumeproduct on here is pretty good. I don't think NoNewNormal censors much of anything either.

Other websites:


talk.lol (this is the old Voat, now migrated to a new host and now with a new name)

KotakuModsAreQueers 9 points ago +9 / -0

An unbiased court, you say?

Yeah he's fucked.

KotakuModsAreQueers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quake, THPS, COD (back when it was good), Guitar Hero, Spider Man....

They had a lot of titles that if nothing else were very fun to play.

KotakuModsAreQueers 25 points ago +25 / -0

Offline games are where it's at now. Hell, I spend most of my time in console emulators now.

And quality starts declining the closer you get to (present day) after 2015. There are exceptions here and there, but generally speaking I feel like AAA studios started losing a lot of quality around 2015/2016, and shortly after started injecting more pozzed garbage.

Nintendo still seems largely unaffected, but that's more of a niche section of gaming.

KotakuModsAreQueers 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not sure if it's true but I heard a large amount of the development team that was behind Witcher 3 left in the years following that game's release.

Not sure if it's true, or if so why they left, but in any case it's a shame.

KotakuModsAreQueers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man, seeing "Activision" on the screen (and especially the "Neversoft" logo back when they were around) used to be a sure sign you were about to play a badass game.

Sucks how many of these companies end up sucking ass years later.

KotakuModsAreQueers 9 points ago +12 / -3

Do you think they can't figure out your real name just because you're posting as "TrumpCityPopMAGA" on the internet?

ISPs will turn over any and all information they have on you to authorities at the drop of a hat when they're asked.

KotakuModsAreQueers 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok, but I want to know How much of the web do you think is bots/recycled content?

Not sure where to post this that would generate most noticed:

There is very little new content on the web since the 2016 era which is when the UN bought up the web. I feel something really bad happened as things haven't fully recovered and with the recent set of powers in charge it's even worse! I thought it was bad enough under our old President and felt a change would be good but obviously no.