Yeah, the cons are just political theater. Not surprising the beautiful people are up to their usual shit.
Women never change. What they are in their teens they will always be. Hence why patriarchy is a requirement for pygmy level civilizations and up.
There is a reason Desantis went all in on feminism, and red states all had big parties for the Barbie movie launch with girls prancing around in pink and near naked. Feminism is alive and well in the "conservative" movement. Dalrock back in the day had huge posts on that, as did other dissident Christians.
She self destructed hard around the time she fell from glory (plus she was always a thot). Out of nowhere lost a ton of weight and looked stretched out. If memory serves she was bouncing from a bunch of different dicks. Can't remember the specifics but the closest thing she had to an actual relationship blew up badly back then.
Edit: I vaguely recall something about her homosexual producers stealing the money for her funding or whatever. A bunch of stupid drama back when she disappeared.
The number one movie in theaters for the last month was Godzilla X Kong. The giant monsters were actual compelling characters, far more so than those stupid humans nobody came to see. Also, giant monsters got in giant fights and Godzilla wrecked some shit. I never get tired of Godzilla tackling things through buildings. Giant lizard and monkey ftw.
That shows a problem for both the left and the right. Our side rightfully points out the left has no knowledge of the right. But these studies also show the right has no knowledge of the left. Conservatives attribute no prejudice to the left, when they should immediately assume the left is biased. What both sides are actually doing is projecting their own behavior on the other. The right doesn't really believe in anything, wants peace and safety above all else, and has no will to fight, so it projects that onto the left. The left is dogmatic, filled with unhappy people, and is constantly looking for a reason for conflict. So it projects that upon the right.
The last century has shown that a mercurial/ cosmopolitan people, a people of merchants or money class, regardless of heritage, cannot be in charge of anything and need to be kept a close eye on by someone truly in charge.
Also, they need to be beaten on a frequent basis. Like today, today is Tuesday. Time for a beating.
If you don't mind my asking, what part of Central Europe do you live in, and how did you wind up there?
All the crazy older chicks are going to definitely have a destabilizing effect on the countries they are in. White societies have forgotten basic social technologies, like marry off women when they are young so they don't cause trouble down the road and can produce healthy children.
And all those yummy, defenseless Ukrainian women.
There was a conspiracy theory early on in the war that this was all a plot so elites (and "elites") could get their hands on Ukrainian women and do as they wish. Guess that turned out to be right after all.
He loves the country. He just wants his people to be the ones to inhabit it. Invade and conquer are the names of the game, western Europeans have just been safe for so long they forgot those were the rules of the world.
My apologies then. Enough of you have responded to make me realize there is some cultural "language barriers" here. AINO is used throughout the dissident sphere, including Z Man, Jim's blog and Founding Questions. I assumed everybody here knew what it meant. I will be more careful with acronyms here from now on.
That said, immediately insulting me led me to believe the original counter poster on this thread was a troll (there is quite a a few of those on this forum) especially since he immediately called me a faggot after I took the time to explain what the term meant and where it's definition could be found.
I know a bunch of you are refugees from Reddit, but I have never been on that site. Your online temperaments are quite odd to me. Differences between our circles of online socialization. Please don't assume everyone here is from Reddit and that we all play by those rules, or even know what those are. I will in turn also not assume everyone here is versed in the language of other parts of the Internet as well.