Jack 6 points ago +8 / -2

Talk about bad timing, first for shilling NFTs on the day you're making an actual announcement. Second for shilling NFTs a month after the FTX debacle and the day after Congress had a hearing on it. And third for shilling NFTs period, given his past records the NFT grift is well within his wheelhouse but it's still sad grifting your fanbase.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

My money is on Ida and Uraraka based on trend. I'd be suprised if Ida and Uraraka aren't black in the live adaption, not just any minority, I'm betting they'll be black. Of course there will be more race swaps but those two are my "safe bets."

Oh and Hagakure as well, as some kind of sjw victimhood message about being invisible huehuehue

Jack 13 points ago +13 / -0

Emperor Uriel Septim would still be alive had the captain in charge of his personal protection wasn't someone who was promoted solely based on her gender.

Just saying, Cpt. Renault fell pretty quick to a rather weak ambush. Definitely a lvl to rank mismatch if you ask me.

Jack 12 points ago +13 / -1

Eyeliner and blusher aren't priorities when you're in prison awaiting a suicide mission.

Do the female characters start with 60%-80% of male character's stats? No? Then let's not debate realism here friendo and put some lipstick on that pig!.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Guess it's not coming home lol. Stopped paying any attention to the world cup the moment I heard USA got eliminated. That's all I cared about, rooting for those literal cuckolded paypiggies to lose.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

Notice they never mentioned the city in the copy because people would've called out their bullshit.

Jack 44 points ago +44 / -0

Just heard about this grossly misleading and factually inaccurate announcement this morning. Heading into 2023 when we had full seasons of sportsballs and wrestling events where 99% of attendees are mask free and players missing time due to covid are a rarity for GQD to come out and boycott Florida due to political bias and lies is flat out disgraceful.

The worst thing that'll happen to a wokeass piece of shit visiting Florida for GDQ would be sunburn on their pasty basement-dwelling skin.

Look, you're your own man, you wanna watch some people speedrun some games in front of their webcams? You wanna support your favorite streamers showcase their shit on a bigger platform? Do what you wanna do. You wanna donate? Consider donating directly to Prevent Cancer Foundation (idk if they're a good org or if they do anything worthwhile) just don't support these people.

Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

Wikipedia is good for a lot of things but the thing they're best for is a good chortle when the dishonest overpaid 1984 woke lying pieces-of-shit staff begs me for money and I click "I've already donated"

But I didn't. I didn't donate, and I never will :-3

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in the outskirts of Atlanta (OTP) and it's pretty much a non-issue here. I went shopping on a Saturday and I would say that 90% to 95% of shoppers and workers are unmasked. Haircut places strangely are still more masked up than anywhere else.

I don't recall seeing signs or self-imposed mask/vax rules on establishments since 3rd quarter of 2021 maybe? But I don't go outside of my regular haunts often and I don't take public transit so I can't say what they're like. I also don't even know what boosters people are on anymore. Radio ads still shilling for vaccines but I don't think it cottons to folks here like it used to.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only Williow that matter is Welloooooo from TNA

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Surprised you're not banned. I found out I was banned even though I've never subscribed or commented on that shitsub.

I mean I get it, I am the leader of the Gamegate movement after all.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

They're releasing the game on Steam, same game with pixel art and a tutorial. You can still play the classic game for free, the same game that's been in development for 19ish years with the last update in early 2021, that game is free, if you want it on Steam you gotta pay.

Jack 12 points ago +12 / -0

I don't keep track but what are the woke sjw retards demanding? The game literally lets you be gay, bi, asexual, fat and ugly so they can play as themselves, has mods, even lets you make your own ideologies for crying out loud what are they demanding?

Jack 15 points ago +15 / -0

I mean DFC is free and is perfectly playable once you get past the learning curve. If you wanna play a graphic colony builder just get Rimworld. Not sure how woke Rimworld devs are but it's a good game and simple enough that you don't have to take a community center evening class on it to get it going.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Start engine, welcome! Please enter destination... Want to watch an ad to unlock acceleration boost and better GPS navigation? Guarantee to arrive 15% faster or we'll refund you 25 Mercedes-gemz

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

Willing to take less than favorable odds that this broad flick her beans to the type of porn she's projecting in that tweet.

Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

In their minds women were slaves and all men were kings.

In reality: "Honey, frost set in early. Looks like we're starving to death this winter. But we'll do it together, you, me and our 8 kids."


"Honey, I'm too old or lame from previous battles, come spring when the raiders arrive by sea and after they kill me, give yourself up and maybe they'll just rape and not kill you."


"Honey, I'm growing some pustules around my armpits, if you're not feeling feverish after I'm dead could you give me a Christian burial?"

and finally

"Honey, we're getting married, not by choice but because our fathers decided this is the best arrangement for a strong alliance. Welp, I'm off to battle and watching my back for any court intrigues and betrayals. Sorry you can't own any property, so unfair I know."

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

No shame losing to a more technologically advanced enemy. But poor sport for not being able to get over the L hundreds of years later.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 😄

by folx
Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

Quick and dirty fix to better reflect reality.

edit: quick mention that I did not edit any of the text, those are the words of the maker of the original shitty image. I do not endorse or celebrate the high suicide rate within the tranny community. But the numbers don't lie, it spells disaster for people who transition.

Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0



Narrator: Meanwhile inside the Autobots locker room:

Bumblebee: Lookout! A decepticon!

Bumblebee: Oh nevermind it's just Nightshade.

The Autobots share a hearty laugh, Nightshade was not present because "they" shower with the girlbots and Bumblebee wouldn't have told that joke in front of Nightshade because he can't afford to get another complain from HR.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Deadass was gonna watch Qatar out of spite because of leftist protest, didn't know who to root for. Which ends up being anyone playing against this anti-american team.

Faggots for the pride flag.

Cucks for giving no-profit generating females your cut.

Thanks for making it easy you faggot cucks!

Jack 16 points ago +16 / -0

The running joke when I was in college was that journalism students are just people who were too poor to buy a SLR camera to be a photography major.

Never take a major you can learn on your own time at your own pace.

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